Chapter 46

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~ Kate's POV ~
"I can try?", I said shrugging. "Really?!", Payton said excited. "Yes, but I'm not saying yes... yet", I said smiling at how excited he was. "Okai, let's get to work then", Hiser said. For the next three hours Hiser explained how everything worked and we tried some stuff. Payton's new song is coming out at the end of this month. Payton always explained how it missed something and I guess I'm that missing thing. Well, my voice then. I really don't think I'm that good, but if it makes Payton happy then I'm happy. When we were done we said goodbye and we went back to my car. We decided to go out to eat food, just the two of us. Since we haven't done that in a while. We arrived at the Italian restaurant and sat down. We ordered and started to talk about the past weeks.

"So how have you and Jaden been?", Payton asked with a smirk. "We're good, I guess", I said shrugging. "Why do you sound so sad about that?", he asked. "It's just that the past week Jae acted weird. And now I know why, but it's hard to just get over the fact that he is using drugs. And I don't even know why he does", I said looking down at my hands. "I know, but he will open up to you about that. He always does, eventually", he said. "Yeah, but what if it's too late when that time comes. I can't lose him too, Payt", I said tearing up. I looked up at Payton and he grabbed my hands. "You won't lose him. You two will figure it out, you always do. And the boys and I are right here to support you", he said giving me a small smile. I smiled back at him and then the waiter came with our food. We ate and went home straight after. We were both tired and I really wanted to see if Jaden was alright. Before we walked in Payton puts his hand on my shoulder and pulls me in for a hug. "Please don't blame yourself, because I know you are. He will be alright", he said still in the hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso and started to cry. I just needed it to get out. "I-I'm scared, I-I can't l- ", I started. "Don't say that, you won't lose him", he said pulling me closer. "You love each other and that bond between you two is stronger than anything. Just be patient with him at the moment", he said pulling out of the hug and looked at me. I nodded and looked down. "I love you, sis", he said smiling. "I love you too, little one", I said ruffling his hair. "Ughhhh, I'm not little!", he said letting me go and walking into the house. I laughed and said, "to me you are." I hear him laugh and he walks to the kitchen.

I started to walk up the stairs and bumped into Bryce. "Hi, where is Ja- ", I started. "He is still in your room", Bryce said smiling and giving me a hug. "Thanks", I said smiling, letting him go and walking up to my room. I walked in and saw he was on his laptop watching something. I sat next to him and he looked up at me. "What are you watching?", I asked kissing his cheek. "Just the boys their YouTube video", he said smiling at me a little. I missed that. That cute, sweet... genuine? Smile. "How was the studio?", he asked closing his laptop and sitting up. "It was fun, Payton got me to sing for his song, so yeah", I said looking down embarrassed. "Really? That's sick", he said putting his finger under my chin, lifting my face, and smiling. "I guess, it's scary to hear your own voice like that", I said smiling. "You should do your own music", he said. "Yeah, maybe. Someday", I said standing up. "I'm going to take a shower real quick, okay?", I asked grabbing some comfortable clothes. He nodded and asked, "movie night?" I turned around and smiled, "yes."

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I undressed myself and stepped into the shower. The heat of the water hits my skin and I immediately relax. I close my eyes and stand there for a few seconds. I hear my door open en close again. I didn't bother to look, because Jaden probably just had to use the toilet or something. After a few seconds I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I turn around and see Jaden standing in front of me. Our faces were inches apart, not forgetting to mention we were naked. I looked him in the eyes and smiled softly. He pulled me closer and started to kiss me, well we made out. He slowly moved to my neck and I let out small moans. This boy know his ways. He for sure left some hickeys, which I didn't mind in the moment, but for sure in the morning. He moved back to my lips and pinned me up against the bathroom wall. My hands were in his hair and the hot water was still running over our bodies, making it even hotter than it was. The bathroom was getting steamy, just like the moment we were in.

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