Chapter 30

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"Okay so I- ", he started but I cut him off. "Wait, you never stopped?", I asked surprised he feels the exact same. "Let me finish", he said chuckling. "Yeah, sorry", I chuckled. "Okay, sooo. Do you remember Briana?", he asked. I nodded and he continued. "I thought I liked her, and I was really upset when I found out she cheated on me", he said. "Yeah, I know. She was awful, sorry", I said smiling. "Yeah yeah. But like then we happened, and I thought it was just lust or something, so I ignored it. And then we decided to not go any further than that. And I really thought I didn't like you like that, because you are my best friend. But then I met Mads and I thought that I loved her. But it felt different", he rambled. "Actually I had the same", I said blushing for no reason. He looked at me questioned, "but you said, 'I love you' to Johnny, right?" "Yeah, it's just that... it wasn't real", I said looking down. "I feel guilty about it, because it means a lot to me to say that to someone. But with Johnny I didn't mean it", I said. "What do you mean?", he asked looking confused. "Before I told him I thought about us. About what I felt back then. And it wasn't the same. And of course I can't compare you to him, never, but I did. And I guess I was just scared...", I said pausing. "Of what?", he asked putting his finger under my chin to lift my face meeting his eyes. "That I would lose him... but then he cheated, so I lost him a long time before that", I said shrugging. "That's not your fault", he said looking at me. "I know", I said. We sat there again. Just lost in each other's eyes. I think I'm drowning in his blue eyes. Just his face is...

~ Jaden's POV~
I just told her I like her. I never thought she would feel the same. I just told her like that. After I spent two months trying to figure it out and bugging Anthony about it. We just sit here looking at each other. She is so beautiful. She is like a... butterfly. Then there was a knock on the door. We both got out of our gaze and shot up. Bryce opened the door. "Hey Kate, we wanted to throw you a birthday party this weekend, you okay with that?", Bryce said. "Yeah, I like that", Kate said smiling big. God, she is cute when she smiles. Jaden stop drooling! Sorry, it just... her. "Jae, you good?", she asked. I looked at the door and Bryce was gone. "What?", I said looking back at her confused. "You just stared at me", she said chuckling. "Oh sorry", I said looking down blushing. Then she puts her hands on my cheeks and lifts my face. I could really kiss her right now. She moved closer and... she kissed my cheek. She smiled really big and I was even blushing more than I already did. "Wanna sleep?", I asked. She nodded and I could see she was tired. "I could sleep a whole day", she said yawning. We both laid down and we started to cuddle. I kissed her forehead and said, "tell me about you day tomorrow." She didn't respond so I figured she was already asleep. "Goodnight, butterfly", I whispered. I slowly started to fall asleep.

~ Back to Kate's POV ~
I get woken up by someone shaking me. "Kate we need to get up", Jaden said with a raspy voice. "It's to earlyyy", I mumbled in my pillow. "It's 2 pm", he chuckled. "You're lying", I said turning my head toward him meeting his eyes. He shook his head and smiled. "Can we please cuddle for five minutes?", I asked with puppy eyes. "We have been for the past two hours", he said smiling. "Please?", I pouted. "Come here then", he said pulling me towards him. I wrapped my arm around him, and we were again cuddling. After ten minutes we got up and started to get ready. I went to my room and took a shower. It's the day before my birthday. I didn't realize until Bryce brought it up yesterday. I wish I could be happy, but I'm not. Today it's been four years since my dad past. I know he wants me to be happy on my birthday, but I can't stop thinking about him. I wish I could see him. I got dressed and put some make-up on. Then my phone rang. I walked up to my bed and I saw it was Amy. I picked it up. "Hi Amy, how are you?", I asked sitting down. "Hi, I'm good, you?", she asked. "Yeah, it's good to be back", I said. "Good. So you birthday is tomorrow, anything planned?", she asked. "The boys are throwing me a party at the house so that, but nothing else", I said. "Awh, they are too sweet", she said chuckling. "But today you get an early gift. It's outside the house", she said excited. "What do you mean?", I asked confused. "Just go look", she said. I stood up and walked downstairs. Then Bryce walks up to me. "Hey, there is a guy here for you?", he asked confused. "Okay...", I said walking to the front door. I opened it and recognized him. "I'll call you later Kate", Amy said hanging up. I put my phone away and couldn't believe it's him. "You're not gonna hug me kid?", he asked. I walked up to him and hugged him. "I can't believe you're here, Michael", I said letting go. "I came to tell you happy birthday", he said shrugging. "You could've just called, did you drive here?", I asked. "Yeah, it's a long drive but totally worth it", he said smiling. The guys walked out and I introduced them to Michael. "Guys this is Michael, my dad's best friend", I said smiling.

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