Chapter 10

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I heard mumbled voices around me. I didn't know what happened, but I did recognized voices. "What the hell happened?!", Jaden said. Well you weren't there for me, that's what happened I thought to myself. "We need to get her to the hospital, now", Avani said. Is she crying? "Yeah, let's go we can take Nick's car", Payton said. I didn't know Nick actually had a car. All of the sudden someone picks me up, I don't know who tho. I feel a sharp pain going thru my head and it feels like it's going to burst open. The person put me in the car and a body move next to me. "You're going to be fine, Kate", I think Payton said that. I slowly open my eyes and see that I am in a car. I feel a hand on my head with a towel and a warm liquid over my face. "My head hurts, Payt", I said slowly. "I know, we're almost there okay", he said reassuring me. "Where are we going?", I asked trying to sit up to look out of the window. "Please don't move, we're going to the hospital", he said pulling me back gently. I nodded and my eyes closed again. Before I know I was gone again.

~Payton's POV~

She just fell asleep again. How could he do that to her. She looks messed up for real. Her left eyebrow was cut and her right cheekbone was open. Johnny's ring must have done that. She is for sure going te have a black eye. Her left jaw was really red too. We arrived at the hospital and I carry her in. We got helped immediately and got Kate a bed. They stitched her cheek and eyebrow. They asked if we needed help too, since me and Bryce had some bruises and I got u cut in my lip. They glued it and then we waited for Kate to wake up again.

~Back to Kate's POV~

I open my eyes and I'm now in a hospital bed. No one was in the room, so I tried to call for someone. "Payt?", I said softly. He walked in and walked up to me. "Hey, how are you feeling?", he asked taking my hand. "Headache, but fine", I said smiling a little bit. Then everyone else walked in. By that I mean Bryce, Avani, Anthony and Jaden. I looked at Bryce and then back at Payton. "Guys, are you alright?!", I asked sitting up. "Take it easy, kid. But yeah we will be fine", he said sitting on the end of the bed. "What happened", I asked looking at everyone. Nobody said anything. "Guys?", I asked again. Then the doctor walked in. "Hi Kate, I'm doctor Mane, how are you feeling?", he asked walking to the other side of the bed. "Good, I guess. A bit of a headache tho", I said answering him. "Well you have a small concussion and you have stiches in your cheek and eyebrow. But we're not going to keep you here any longer", he said smiling, "you can go home but come back next week to check up on you stiches. If anything happens just call, okay?" "Yes, thank you", I said smiling at him and giving him a hand. "You have amazing friends", he said looking around the room. "Yeah, I do", I said smiling at them. "Well goodnight, actually good morning", he said and walked out. The nurse came in and helped me get dressed. After that we left and went home.

Payton insisted on carrying me to my room and I just let him. He put me in my bed, and everyone came with us I guess. I sat up leaning onto the headboard of my bed. "Guys, what happened", I asked again. "What do you remember", Avani asked. "Well... the last thing that I remember is that Payton got jumped by one of Johnny's friends and then I walked up to Bryce and Johnny. After that... I don't know", I said looking at everyone. Even Mads was here for god sake. "After you jumped in front of me", Bryce said looking at me, "Johnny went for me, but you were there and he hit you instead. I guess he knocked you out, because you fell to the ground unconscious." I looked down at my hand and started to shake. "Are you serious?!", Jaden asked yelling. "Jaden calm down", Mads said grabbing his arm. "I'm not going to calm down", he said brushing her off, "he should've never done that. Why didn't you guys do anything", he said looking at Payton, Anthony and Bryce. They just stayed silent. "They were actually there", I said underneath my breath. "Kate, what did you say?", he asked talking normal again. "I said, they were actually there. Where were you, huh?", I said getting upset. He is my best friend, he needed to be there for me, but he wasn't. He never was, especially after he got with Mads. "Kate, calm down, your wounds are gonna get open again", Avani said trying to calm me down. "No I'm not going to calm down. I should've said this the first time it happened, Jaden", I said raising my voice. "What do you mean?", he asked looking angry. "You know, your little girlfriend has been texting me", I said looking at him. "Kate, what are you saying?", he asked. "She has been texting me that I need to stay away from you and that she would ruin our friendship! Jaden we have barely spoken last week, and it has been like this for a while. Every time I try to talk to you about it she comes in. Why don't you see that?!", I say getting tears in my eyes. He looked at Mads. "Is that true?", he asked. "No of course not! I would never do that I know you two are just friends", she said with a fake smile to him. How can he not see this?!?! "You are so full of sh*t", I say looking at her. "Kate, don't say that", Jaden said defending her. "What do you mean Jaden? I can't say that she is a bad person and tries to get you away from not only me but all you friends? I can't say that she is straight up rude to me when you are not around?", I say getting pissed off by now.

"You're making all of this up, Kate", he said. I looked at him and didn't say anything. "I know why you are doing this...", he said. "Well tell me then, because clearly you know it better than me", I say. "Mads told me this but I didn't want to believe it right away. But I see it now", he said looking at Mads. He turned back to me and said, "do you like me?" Are you kidding me right now? "Are you for real", I said, "no I don't, I just got out of a relationship." "Who says that you really liked him", Jaden said. "Jaden you know she did", Anthony said. "How do you know Ant? Maybe she just used him for clout or whatever", Jaden said back. "Do you really think of me like that?", I asked. A tear rolled down my cheek and I can see I'm losing my best friend. "I don't know Kate, tell me. You are always playing around with guys", he said. These are not his words. He knows I don't do that."Look around you. All your friends are mostly guys." He wasn't wrong. "And be honest with me... don't tell me that you haven't gotten with all of them at this point", he said looking at me. I looked down at my hand and could feel the tears rolling down my cheek. Why is he being like this? He knows nothing happened between any of them except Anthony. Why? "Okay, that's enough Jae", Bryce said walking up to him. "What do you mean? It's all the truth isn't it?", he said. "Okay you are leaving, and you too", Bryce said looking at Mads. He started to push Jaden and Mads out of my room. "Wait..", I manage to say in between sobs, "Jaden... I don't know who you are anymore. I don't know what she is doing to you, but until you've found yourself again.... Don't talk to me." "Whatever", he said and walked out.

I just wanted to be alone right now and just bald my eyes out. I lost my best friend to this girl who is all pretending. I don't know what has gotten into him. I can't even recognize him. "Kate...", Payton said, "it's not your fault." "I just want to be alone right now", I said looking down not having eye contact. "That's not happening. We are all going to sleep here tonight", Addison said. "I know that you want to be alone right now, after... that. But we are here for you and we are not going to leave", Avani said. "Thanks guys", I said looking up at everyone. "Well, let's get mattresses then", Bryce said getting up trying to lighting the mood. They all got mattresses and put them on the floor. Everyone was here. Avani, Anthony, Bryce, Addison, Griffin, Kio, Josh, Tayler and even Dixie. They all went to sleep but I couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about what Jaden said. Everything he said kept on replaying in my head. "Kate, try to sleep please", Payton said. He laid next to me. "Is it true?", I asked turning my head to him. "What is?", he asked. "That I am a clout chaser?", I asked. "Kate please don't say that. You know that's not true. We are all you friends, and nothing happened. Jaden just lost his head", he said taking me in for a hug. I rested my head on his chest and started to cry again. Everything hurt. Physically and mentally. "Why did he said that then", I said sobbing quietly in his chest. "Because Mads is influencing him", he said whispering and kissing the top of my head. "I just lost my best friend, Payt", I said. "No you didn't", he said pulling out of the hug, "he lost his best friend." He wiped away my tears and pulled me in again. "Just try to sleep, we will talk about this tomorrow", he whispered. "Thanks Payt", I said. "Always, bestie", he said. Finally I fell asleep in my best friend's arm with my other best friend on my mind. 

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