Chapter 31

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The rest of the day we chilled at the house and around 4 pm Michael left. He told me he was going to be in LA for a week to meet some friends and then he is going back to Arizona, where he lives with his wife. She couldn't come because her mother is extremely ill. After Michael left Bryce, Griffin and Josh went to the store to get drinks and snacks for tonight. The party is going to be tonight, so I would turn nineteen at midnight. I stayed home with Jaden, Anthony and Kio. We decided to just watch a movie until they come back. We watch 'Clueless', because it's my favorite movie. It surprised me that they agreed to it. I sat in between Anthony and Jaden. Jaden puts his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back. I could see he was nervous, but I don't know why. We both looked back at the movie. "You like your car?", Kio asked me. "Yeah, I love it", I said smiling big. "Why were you gone for so long, if you don't mind me asking", Anthony asked. "No it's fine. When I was seven I made my dream car with Michael, and apparently my dad made a promise with him to get me my dream car when I turn eighteen, so that's the car I wanted when I was seven", I said tearing up. Jaden squeezed the hand that I had on my leg. "But you turn nineteen this year, right?", Kio asked. I nodded. "Yeah, Michael told me he couldn't make it last year because his mom just passed away", I said. Kio nodded and we continued to watch the movie. I got upset again thinking about my dad and the stuff that happened earlier in the car. I looked down at my hands, trying not to show I was upset. That didn't work. "You okay?", Jaden whispered in my ear. I shook my head slightly and a tear escaped my eye. He pulled me close and I sobbed quietly in his chest. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair. He didn't say anything, but I knew he was here for me. That's what I love about him. He doesn't need to say anything to make me calm down or to make me feel better. I slowly felt myself getting tired and I fell asleep cuddling with Jaden.

~ Jaden's POV ~
She looks so beautiful sleeping. She never told me the story about the car, but I can see it's hard for het to talk about it. I think there is more wrong than that. When she came back from her car she looked confused, like she had seen a ghost or something. The movie ended and Anthony and Kio went outside to take some pictures. I stayed with Kate on the couch. I really want to ask her what was going on, but I don't want to make her more upset. She is supposed to be happy to celebrate her birthday tonight, but it doesn't seem like it. I do have a gift for her. I think it's great, but I don't know how she is going to react. I'll tell you what it is. A while ago she lost the tag from her step-brother from when he was in the army. She was really upset about it. She is still good friends with his best friend who happens to be his buddy when they got drafted. I called his number and asked if he could get a new one made, so it would be like the original. Of course it's not the same, but I hope she likes it. He sent it last week, he wrote a birthday card for her. I haven't opened it because I want her to do it. 

The boys came into the house making a lot of noise that caused her to wake up. "Oh, we're sorry. Were you sleeping?", Bryce asked walking up to us. "Yeah, but it's fine", Kate said sitting up and smiling at him. "What time is it?", she asked looking at me. "About to be 6 pm", I said picking up my phone. "I should get ready then", she said smiling at us. She stood up and walked upstairs. Bryce sat next to me, while I had my eyes glued at Kate. "So, what were you two talking about yesterday", he said nudging my shoulder. "Uhmm, what?", I asked looking at him this time. "I asked, 'what were you two talking about yesterday?'", he said chuckling. I looked down at my hands and started to blush and smiled like a little kid. "Oeehh, did you tell her?", he said shaking me. "Stop", I said laughing. "Wait, how do you know", I said frowning my eyebrows. "That would be my fault", Anthony said walking in with his hand in the air. "I trusted you", I said pouting faking to be upset. "Sorry", he said looking away smiling. "But did you?", Bryce asked. I nodded. "What did she say, tell us", Anthony said almost yelling. "Can you be quiet?", I said chuckling. "Can you tell us?", he said shrugging his shoulders. "Fine, she said she felt the same back then and she likes me, so yeah", I said blushing again. "Nothing else?" Anthony asked. "You didn't kiss?", Bryce asked. "We did, but we both got out of a relationship not that long ago and we know what happened the last time that happened", I said looking down at my hands. "What happened?", Anthony asked. "Not telling you, sorry", I said standing up. "Ah, come on Jaden", Bryce said laughing. "If you want to know, ask her", I said laughing and walking off. I walked upstairs and went to my room.

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