Chapter 39

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My step-mom. How did she get my number? The tears were streaming down my face now. "Who is it?", Payton asked whispering. I couldn't talk. "J-Julia?", I asked with a shaky voice. "Well, congratulations. I'm going to take you down for what you did!", she screamed thru the phone. "W-what are you talking about?", I asked. "You know what I'm talking about!", she yelled again. I stayed silent. I had a thought what she was talking about, but I didn't want to believe she was still on to that. "It's about David, you did it and you know it!", she finally screamed again. Yep, I was right... "I-I didn't do anything, you know that", I said. "You are lying, and everyone believed you, even the police! But that is no longer. I got evidence and you're gonna pay for this!", she screamed. What evidence is she talking about? I didn't do anything. "What do you mean, evidence?", I asked still with a shaky voice. "You know...!", she screamed but then stopped. Then I heard the voice I never thought I would hear again. Travis. THE boyfriend. "Why are you yelling!", he screamed at her. "I'm talking to that bitch who killed my son!", she yelled back. "Is she still alive, that surprises me. She should've been dead, just like her father", he said. That broke my heart. Why does everyone keep saying that. My dad was a good person, and especially towards her. Even tho she was a horrible person. "Yeah, that's right!", she said at him, "you're gonna pay, I'll see you soon!" Then she hung up and it went silent. I can't believe she still believes this. The police cleared the case years ago and said I'm not guilty. What possible evidence could there be?  Everyone in the room was looking at me worried. Tears were rolling down my cheeks, but I was numb. I didn't know what to do or say.

"Kate, who was that?", Bryce asked putting his hand on my shoulder, getting me out of my gaze. I looked at Jaden and he knew who it was, because I told him. "T-that was my.... step-mom", I said looking down. "But you said you lost contact with her", Payton asked. "I-I did, but... I don't know how she got my number", I said thinking about who would have given her my number. "What was she talking about?", Anthony asked looking down. I was scared to be judged, even tho I knew I didn't do anything. I was scared they would believe her instead of me. "W-when we got shot that night, they started an investigation to find the suspect. But there was nobody there to testify. And then Julia said I did it, but that wasn't possible, because I was shot too. And the police cleared me", I explained, "but I really didn't do anything." I couldn't bear to look at any of the guys, so I looked at my hands and started to sob. Every memory from that night came back. I miss him, so much. He didn't deserve that. Jaden started to rub my back trying to calm me down. "Kate, we believe you. You couldn't have done that", Anthony said grabbing my hand. I looked up at him and he smiled weakly at me. "Can I ask something?", Griffin asked. I nodded and looked at him. "Why did he got shot in the first place?", he asked. "The neighborhood he lived in was very known for their gangs. And a good friend of mine told me that my brother looked a lot like someone they had a fight with earlier that year. And that he had a bounty on his head. That's probably why he got shot, as an accident. They mistook him for another person and they took me with him", I said shrugging. "But they never caught the guy?", Payton asked. I shook my head and looked down. "I don't think they ever will", I mumbled. "What's gonna happen now?", Bryce asked. "She said they found new evidence, and that she is gonna make me pay for his death", I said starting to tear up again. "That's not possible, it happened 3 years ago", Anthony said. "I don't know either", I said sobbing.

After a few minutes everyone left the room, I guess Jaden sent them away since he is the only person left. I looked up at him, but he wasn't looking at me. I'm scared he doesn't believe me. Who actually would? I was, still am, a damaged kid who just lost her dad. "Jae? Do you believe me?", I asked scared for his reaction. It went silent and I got even more stressed. I looked away from him and he grabbed my hand. "Kate... look at me please", he asked talking quietly. I slowly looked up at him and he pulled me in for a hug. "I believe you, always", he whispered in my ear. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "I can't do this again", I said sobbing. He pulled me closer and said, "you're gonna get thru this, and I'll be there, my parents, the boys, everyone." I started to cry even more, thinking about telling everyone this. And what would people say on social media? "Kate calm down", Jaden said laying down with me next to him. "I-I can't do t-this anymore", I said trying to breath. I'm having panic attack. "Just breath, and listen to my voice Kate", he said, "please." I wasn't calming down and I could feel my breath shorten. All of the sudden Jaden let's go of me and looks at me. His face was getting blurry and I felt like I was going to faint. He then puts his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I closed my eyes and lost my breath. It lasted for a long time, and surprisingly it calmed me down. He pulled away and I opened my eyes. My breathing was back to normal everything was clear again. "How did you do that?", I asked still surprised. "I-I read ones that holding your breath could stop a panic attack. So when I kissed you, you held your breath", he said quietly. (A/N: he he, quote, unquote: kissing scene Lydia and Stiles, Teen Wolf). We were still looking at each other and I smiled at him weakly. "Let's sleep", he said getting comfortable. "Come here", he said opening his arms. I snuggled up in his chest and closed my eyes. "You're gonna be fine, Butterfly", he whispered kissing my forehead. I smiled slightly and fell asleep.

The past few days I didn't hear anything from Julia again. She didn't text or call me. I did explained to Jaden's parent's what happened, and they understood. Jaden and I became closer every day, if that was even possible. We even went on a date. It was really cute.

~ Flashback ~
"Jae please, I'm gonna fall", I said chuckling while he covered my eyes with his hands. "We're almost there, don't worry", he said laughing. "You're not kidnapping me, right?", I asked smiling. "Well now that you say that, that's a great idea", he said chuckling. "Stop", I said laughing. "I'm kidding, and we're here by the way", he said laughing. "Where's here?', I asked still with my eyes covered. "Here", he said taking his hands away from my eyes. It was the spot we discovered the first night we moved to LA. It looked over the city, we haven't been here for a long time. There was a blanket on the ground with little fairy lights around it. It looked beautiful. I turned around and looked at him. "You like it?", he asked nervously. "I love it, Jae", I said blushing. I hugged him tight and he swayed us from side to side. We sat down on the blanket and just looked at the view. There was this comfortable silence. You could only hear the cars that were driving on the highway. And the few crickets making sounds. We looked over the city, just enjoying each other's presence. We used to do this back home, but then as friends. This felt different, it felt better. "We haven't been here for a long time", I said breaking the silence. "Yeah, a lot happened", he said looking at me. "Thanks for this Jae, I love it", I said smiling at him, "I needed it." "And you deserve it", he said smiling at me.

He puts his hand on my cheek and rubbed his dumb against it. I lean my head toward it and smile at him. My skin tingled under his touch. "I love you, Jaden", I said. "And I love you, Kate", he said blushing. He looks cute when he blushes. "I wanted to ask you something", he said getting nervous. "Go ahead", I said smiling at his awkwardness. "D-do you want to be my girlfriend?", he asked looking me right in the eyes. I smiled widely at him and put my hand on his neck. "I would love to", I said blushing. He smiled at me and we moved closer to each other and kissed. After a few seconds he moved his hands to my waist and pulled me on top of his lap. His hands were going up and down my waist. My hands were in his hair and it started to get heated. His hands went under my hoodie and they were hot. He started to kiss my neck and hit my sweet spot. I bite my lip not letting out any possible sound. After a few minutes and probably some hickeys he stopped. I pulled back and looked at him. "Let's go home", he said kissing me on my lips. I smiled at him and got off his lap. We packed everything up and went home. When we got home we went up to his room and he pinned me up against the wall. We continued with what we were doing a few minutes ago and some other stuff. You know what I mean...
~ End of flashback ~

That night was great, and I will never forget that. We told our friends and his parents the next day. We didn't wanted to go public right away and especially with everything going on with my step-mom. I walked up to the kitchen, because the guys ordered food. Everyone grabbed their food and sat at our dinner table. Then I heard my phone ring from the kitchen counter. I stood up and went to the kitchen. I looked at it and it was an unknown number again. I was scared it was going to be her again, but I ended up picking it up anyway. "Hello, with Kate Loyal", I said. "Hi Kate, it's me Casper. Do you remember me?", he asked. "The deputy?", I asked unsure. "Yeah", he said. Why would he be calling me? "What's up?", I asked. "So, I don't know if you heard, but we are reopening David's case", he said. This was actually happening? "Uhm... y-yeah", I said with a shaky voice. "We want you to come to the station as soon as possible, if that is okay", he said. "F-for what?", I asked already knowing why. "Just to ask some questions, nothing major", he said, "can you be here next week?" "I'll try", I said. "Great, I'm sorry again kid", he said, "bye." "Bye", I said hanging up. I couldn't believe this. I'm going to court... again?

Okay, so I'm not going to picture anyone for Julia and Travis, just imagine awful people.
And I past the 80k read, I never thought it would be this much, thank you!! <33

Hope you liked it and see you soon :)

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