Chapter 53

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~ third person ~
Jaden and Kate are walking into the airport with four suitcases. It's a cold Saturday morning in LA. They walk to the Starbucks and put their suitcases down. Jaden went up to the counter and ordered a black coffee, iced caramel macchiato and two hot chocolate milk. After a few minutes he got them and walked back to the table they were sitting. "Here you go kids, it's hot so be careful", Jaden said putting the drinks on the table. The two kids nod and go on with their game on their phone. "Where are they now?", Kate asked taking a sip from her drink. "If I'm right, they are supposed to be here", Jaden said looking around. In that moment two kids run up to the table and Jaden and Kate stand up. "Hi guys!", Kate says hugging the kids. "Hey, aunt Kate", they said in unison. They greeted Jaden as their parents catches up to them. "If it isn't Mrs. en Mr. Reeves", Jaden said hugging Anthony. "Hi girly", Avani said hugging Kate. "How are the kids?", Anthony asked. "Good, they won't stop growing", Kate said chuckling. Anthony and Kate smiled at each other and went in for a hug. "I missed you Buttercup", he said kissing the top of her head. "Missed you to Ant", Kate said pulling away and smiling.

"Dad, can we go get Kaylee and Christian? They are at the entrance", Elijah asked Jaden. "Sure, take Star, John and Emmy with you, will ya?", Jaden asked. Elijah nodded and the group of kids walked off. As the kids disappear in the crowd the group of friends started to catch up on life. "How's the company?", Avani asked Kate. "Well, we just got out with a new line and we only need Ant's approval and we're on!", Kate said smiling. "You can show the designs when we are at the villa", Anthony said. Kate nodded and the kids came back with their other friends. "Where are Addison and Bryce?", Anthony asked looking at his kids. "Right here!", Bryce yelled walking up behind them. They all greeted each other and sat down. The kids sat at their own table and played some games and made TikToks. After half an hour the last people arrived. "Hey Payt", Kate said standing up and hugging her 'little' brother. "Hey sis", he said hugging her. They all greeted him and Emma, and Jax walked up to the group of kids.

They all grabbed their stuff and told the kids they were heading towards security. After security they could almost immediately board the plane and took their seats. "Is Nessa coming?", Jaden asked holding Kate's hand. "She told me she is", Kate says giving him a little smile, "still haven't told her Josh is coming." "Good, he has been talking about her non-stop", Jaden said chuckling. Kate puts her head on Jaden's shoulder and looked at Star who sat next to her. "This trip is gonna be amazing", she said looking up at Jaden. He smiled and pecked her lips.

~ Kate's POV ~
Hi, guys! Maybe you need a little explanation. Yes, Jaden and I have two kids. And as I said they are going to be named Elijah and Star. They are twins and are 14 years old. I gave birth to them when I was 24. That would make me and Jaden 38 right now. Yep, we're getting old. We got married when we were 21 and it was an amazing day. Jaden is still making music and made a few EP's. He also has his own record company, where he searches for new talent. I started to sing too, but that it's not my main profession. Anthony and I started our own clothing line when we were 20. It's really successful. Next to that I am a teacher at a high school. I give a writing class where we write all kinds of things. The kids do online school. Star started with music two years ago and Elijah loves to draw and paint. I guess he gets that from my dad.

Okay, so that's all about us. Let me tell you something about our friends. Avani and Anthony got married and had two kids, Johnathan and Emmy. Johnathan is 13 and Emmy is 10. Avani has her own make-up line and Anthony is doing fashion. Johnathan and Emmy also do TikTok and other social media. Next to that Johnathan started to do music and plays a few instruments. Emmy likes dressing up and making her own outfits.
Payton stayed with Emma since the day I met her. They aren't married yet, but Payton told me he is gonna pop the question soon. They got a kid named Jax and he is 9 years old. Payton is still making music and I even featured on one of his songs. Emma is an accountant and supports Payton in everything he does.
Bryce and Addison got married a long time ago. They have two kids. Kaylee, who is 16, and Christian who is 14. Christian is exactly like Bryce back in the day and Kaylee is like Addison. They both do TikTok and take dance classes. Addison is a dance teacher and has her own dance studio. And Bryce... he started acting! Never would have thought that.
Then we have Nessa and Josh. As you guys may know they broke up a long time ago. They haven't talked to each other over all those years. Even tho they talk about each other all the time, they say they are 'not ready'. So we invited them on our trip, not knowing the other person is gonna be there. Nessa is making a career in music and Josh started acting too.

Oh I forgot to mention... we are going to the Bahamas!

~ third person ~
The big group of friends and their kids just arrived at the villa they hired for three weeks. Everyone had their own rooms. Elijah and Star had one room; Johnathan, Emmy and Jax had one; and Kaylee and Christian had one. As everyone was unpacking Josh walked in and greeted everyone. Not a few minutes later Nessa walked in. She stopped walking as she saw the boy she hasn't seen for over 20 years standing right in front of her. She looked at her group of girlfriends and frowned. As Josh broke the hug with Anthony he turned around. "What is going on? Guys?", Nessa asked looking at the ground. "Yeah I would like to know too", Josh said looking at the guys. "This is all me", Kate said. Everyone looked at her and she sighed. "You guys haven't talked to each other in what? 20 years? Every time one of you is over you talk about each other. We thought it would be the time to talk to each other", she explained. "I would like it more if you told me", Nessa said looking up at her friend. "I know and I'm sorry", Kate said. "It's fine, I guess", Nessa said giving her a little smile and a hug. "S-should we head to the beach then?", Jaden said unsure how to function in this situation. Everyone nodded and got the kids.

After spending almost the whole day on the beach they went out to get dinner at a restaurant. The whole day Nessa and Josh haven't talked to each other and it made Kate regret bringing them without telling. Jaden noticed that Kate was upset so he grabbed her hand a squeezed it slightly. "You okay?", he asked leaning over so not everyone heard. She nodded and gave him a little smile. Jaden knew she wasn't but just let her be. "Talk later, okay?", she said kissing his cheek. He nodded and they ate their food. After dinner they went back to the villa and put the kids to bed. Everyone was really exhausted and went to their own room. Kate took a quick shower and was wearing a rope walking back to the room.

"Hey, do you remember when we use to make those reaction videos to fan-fiction on this app called Wattpad?", Jaden asked sitting up in the bed with his MacBook. "Yeah, why?", Kate asked grabbing some clean underwear and one of Jaden's oversized shirts. "I've just been looking at them and they are all really old. From like when we were 18", he said chuckling still looking at his screen. Kate then realized something she never told Jaden. Jaden looked up from his screen and looked at his wife standing in front of the mirror. "I love it when you wear my clothes", he said grinning and putting his MacBook on the nightstand. Kate smiled at him thru the mirror. Jaden got out of bed and walked up behind the girl. "What happened at diner?", he asked wrapping his arms around her. "I just feel guilty", Kate says looking down and playing with Jaden's rings. "About what?", he asked looking at her thru the mirror. "Ness and Josh", she said looking at him too. "They will be fine, and it was an idea from all of us", he said kissing her cheek, "don't worry about it too much." Kate nodded and turned around facing him. "Here I want to show you something", he said grabbing her hand and walking back to the bed. "So I found this book. And it's scary how much it is like your life. Almost exactly the same", he said sitting down and grabbing his MacBook. Kate sat down next to him and puts her head on his shoulder. Jaden searched for the book and clicked on it. Kate then saw the book and the cover. "Jae, I need to tell you something...", she said sitting up. Jaden looked at her confused. "Well...", Kate started.


We made a big jump forward...
People have been asking to make a sequel, but I already have my ending planned out? Well something like that... so I'm probably not gonna do that, I'm sorry!

But I hoped you liked this chapter! Bye bubs <3

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