Chapter 34

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The past days Tayler got even more hate for what was heard on the live of Josh and Bryce. It was everywhere. Twitter, Instagram, even Snapchat. I wanted people to know Tayler is not that kind of person and that he had a reason. I called him. "Hey Kate", he said. "Hi Tay. I am going live in a bit to explain everything", I said fast. "You don't have to. You have other things on your mind right now", he said. "No, I want to do this. It's not okay people are saying this and it's not even true", I said. "Are you sure?", he asked. "Yes, you can join me if you want", I said hoping he would say yes. "Sure, just invite me", he said. "Will do. I'll be online in a few minutes", I said hanging up the phone. Jaden walked in my room and sat next to me on my bed. "Hey, how are you feeling?", he asked side hugging me. I hugged him back and said, "Better, I'm just not... comfortable with myself. I don't know...", I said looking down resting my head on his shoulder. "Just know it's not your fault. He took advantage of you... Dick", he said under his breath. "I know. I just feel stupid for drinking whilst on painkillers", I said. "And now this stuff with Tayler. The comments are awful", I said tearing up. "Tayler will be fine, and we know how he really is and that is more important. He is just protecting you", he said rubbing my back. "Yeah, I guess you're right", I said looking up at him. "You're gonna feel better", he said wiping away the tear that was rolling down my cheek. I closed my eyes, as my skin tingles under his touch. I lean my head on his hand and open my eyes. I smile at him and he smiles back. We were staring at each other. Those eyes. They get me every time. Damn! He moved his hand of my cheek and I grabbed my phone.

I opened Instagram and tapped on live. "What are you doing?", he asked looking over my shoulder. "Explaining something", I said still my eyes locked on the screen. I invited Tayler and he came shortly after. "Hi Tay", I said smiling. "Hey Kate, hi Jay", he said. Jaden waved and leaned back, he was not in the frame, so nobody really saw him. The comment section quickly filled with harmful words and angry people. "Hi guys, I wanted to explain the situation that happened a few days ago. You can screen record it and please spread it. We'll wait until there is more people", I said. I waited for about five minutes and a lot of people joined. "Okay so, I just wanted to say that what happened to my face was not Tayler. This was someone else that I'm not going to say right now, but definitely not Tay. He would never put hands on me, and he is the nicest person ever", I said smiling. "Thanks Kate", Tayler said smiling too. "No problem. And the reason why he yelled at me is because...", I started. I feel everything coming back. That night, I have never been that scared. Jaden puts his hand on my back, knowing I was not okay. "Uhmm... something happened that night of the party. A-and I w-was almost...", I started not sure to tell it. And not sure if I could. Tears started to go down my cheeks and I wipe them away fast. "Uh... I got really d-drunk and I promised Tay I wouldn't do that anymore, so I broke that promise. That's why he was m-mad at me", I said trying to talk with a steady voice. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Thanks guys. I n-need to g-go", I said ending the live. I started to cry, again. "Kate, it's okay", Jaden said pulling me in for a hug. "Nothing is okay. I was so irresponsible and stupid", I mumbled into his chest. "It's not your fault, we should've been there with you... I should've been there with you", he said. The last part he whispered but I heard it. "Jae it's not your fault either", I said pulling away looking at him. "Maybe, but I should've been with you", he said looking down. "Jaden", I said lifting his face, "I don't blame you. I'm really thankful you found me on time." He smiled weakly at me and pulled me in for a hug. "Know that I'm always here", he whispered in my ear. I smiled to myself. I adore him. Why do I deserve him?

We pulled away and I kissed his cheek. "Thanks, Jae", I said. "Cuddles?", he asked with puppy eyes. "Always", I said smiling. I laid down and he laid on top of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my chest. I played with his hair and just looked at him. "Stop staring, creep", he said chuckling. "Sorry", I said looking away blushing. "You're cute when you blush", he said with his eyes closed. "How do you know, you're not even looking", I said looking at him. "Am I right?", he said with a smile still with his eyes closed. "No... maybe", I said blushing even more. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. "See", he said chuckling. "Stop!", I said blushing more, if that was possible. "Don't think so", he said sitting up. "What are you doing, now I'm cold", I said pouting. "I know something to make you warm", he said smirking. Oh god, what is he thinking? "Jae, what do you mean?", I said smiling uncomfortable. "This", he said starting to tickle me. "J-Jaeee please s-stopp", I said laughing. Eventually I get on top of him. I had his hands pinned down on the bed. I knew he was doing this on purpose, because he is definitely stronger than me. I just looked at him and he looked at me. I decided to tease him for a bit. I moved my face closer to his and looked at his lips. His smile faded and he looked at my lips, licking his own. I moved even closer. Our noses were touching. After a few seconds I scrunched my nose and lift myself off him. "Ughhhh, you're such a tease", he said grabbing a pillow and covering his face. "Who is blushing now", I chuckled walking to my closet. "I'm not", he mumbled. "If you say so", I said smiling. I grabbed some mom jeans and an oversized sweater. "I'm gonna take a shower", I say still smiling. "Oeehh, can I join?", he said grinning. "Yeah why not", I said walking to my bathroom. "Really?", he said raising his eyebrows. "No, dork", I said shutting the door and locking it. "I hate you!", he screamed from the other side of the door. "Me too!", I yelled back chuckling. I undressed and took a quick shower.

Later that day we went out to grab food. We haven't had dinner with everyone in a long time. It felt great to be with everyone again. We went to a steak house. I sat next to Jaden and Avani. I talked with Avani most of the time, but then I got a call. I looked at my phone and say Payton's contactname. I immediately picked up. "Hey Payt", I said looking at Jaden. He smiled back at me. "Hey, how are you?", Payton asked. "Better, but yeah... you know", I said looking at my hands. I asked Jaden to tell Payton what happened, because I couldn't tell him myself. "But what's up?", I asked. "I just wanted to call and say I'm coming to LA in a few days", he said casually. "Really?!", I said a little bit too loud. Everyone at the table was looking at me, even some people at the restaurant. "Sorry", I said chuckling. "But really?", I said again. "Yeah, of course", Payton said laughing. "How long are you staying?", I asked. "I don't know", he said chuckling. "What do you mean?", I asked confused. "I'm moving to LA... completely", he said. I could see him smile thru the phone. "You're kidding? Where?" I asked fast. "Sway LA", he said chuckling. "Are you for real, don't play with me", I said not believing it. "Yes", he said. "I love that Payt, I get to live with my little brother", I said smiling. "I'm not that little, you know that right?", he said laughing. "Yeah, well to me you are", I said. Then the waiter came with the food. "Payt, I have to go. The food is here, but I'll call you tomorrow, okay?", I said. "Yeah, enjoy your food and I'll text you the info", he said. "Thanks, bye", I said smiling. "Bye!", he said. We hung up and I dug in my food.

After dinner we went home and just messed around with everyone. I sat on the couch scrolling thru Instagram. I started thinking about everything that happened the past months. So much happened and I wanted to be happy, but the negative things take over every little bit of happiness I had. I didn't wanted to cry anymore today. I kept my eyes locked at my phone trying not to let my tears fall. Jaden sat next to me. "Hey, can you come with me?", he asked. I nodded not looking at him. He walked up to his room and I followed him. I wiped my eyes without him seeing it and sat on his bed. "So, I never got to give you your birthday present", he said grabbing a small box and an envelope from his drawer. He walked over to me and sat next to me. "You didn't have to", I said. "I wanted to, you deserve it", he said smiling. "So, you lost the necklace from David a few weeks ago", he started. It was the only thing I had from him and I lost it. We went swimming that day and I think I lost it in the sea. We searched the next day, but it wasn't really effective. "I contacted his best friend, Ethan?", he said looking at me. I nodded my head not wanting my voice to break when I would talk. "Right. I asked for his help and he wanted to. I think you should just open it", he said handing me the little box. I took it from him and smiled at him. I took the wrapped paper off and saw a little case. It was green, like army green. I had a feeling, but I didn't want to put my hopes up. I slowly opened the case and saw two dog tags. I took the first one out and Ethan's name was on it. I smiled and saw all the information on it. Ethan explained me what all of it meant when I stayed with them for a while. Then I took the other one. I turned it around and couldn't believe it.

It had David's name and information on it. It looked exactly like the one I had. I looked up at Jaden with tears in my eyes. "Did you find it?", I asked. "No... Ethan had a new one made", he said smiling. I covered my mouth and looked at it again. I had no words, I just started to cry silently. "T-Thank y-you", I manage to get out. Jaden hugged me and I sobbed on his shoulder. "I know how much it means to you and you were really upset about losing it. And I know it's not the same but- ", he rambled. I cut him of by kissing him. It lasted for a few seconds. I wanted it to last forever. "I love it Jae", I said smiling at him. He was blushing and looked down smiling. "Oh, Ethan also sent this", he said handing me the envelope. "I'll read it tomorrow, I'm really tired", I said. "Okay, you want to sleep here?", he asked putting the stuff on his desk. "If that's okay with you", I said standing up. "Always", he said hugging me. He kissed the top of my head and let go. "You can wear my clothes if you want", he said pointing at his closet smiling. "You know it", I said chuckling. I walked to his closet and grabbed shorts and a hoodie. I changed in the bathroom and put my hair up in a bun. I walked out and went under his covers. He took his shirt off and was only wearing grey sweatpants. That's totally fine with me. Hehe. He went under the covers and pulled me close to him. I snuggled up to him and wrapped my arm around his torso. "Thanks Jae, it means a lot", I mumbled in his chest. He kissed my forehead and I slowly fell asleep. I want this to last forever. Just this moment. Forever.

It's a bit of a long chapter, I hope you enjoyed it <3
I love all of you and thanks for reading my story so far!

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