Chapter 27

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I'm currently walking into the airport to fly back to LA. I turn around and hugged Amy and John. "Thank you so much for letting me come home, it really did help", I said with tears already in my eyes. "You can always come home kiddo", John said rubbing my head. "And bring Jaden with you next time, we miss him", Amy said smiling. "I will", I said smiling. "Let us know when you've landed okay?", she said. "Yeah", I said back. "Give Jaden a big hug and kiss from us", John winked at me. Honestly that made me blush, even tho I knew he meant like a kiss on the cheek or whatever. I nodded and grabbed my suitcase. I waved at them and they waved back. I turned around and tear rolled down my cheek. I'm gonna miss them so much, again. I went thru security and went straight to my gate. I boarded my plane and passed out the moment we took off. After a few hours somebody tapped on my shoulder waking me up. "We landed. I thought I would wake you up and my daughter recognized you", the woman said. I looked passed her and saw a girl smiling really big towards me. "Thank you", I said smiling at the woman. I waved at the girl and got off the plane. "Kate", the little girl said from behind me. I turned around and kneeled down to be the same height. "Hi, what's your name?", I asked. "Katherine", she said smiling. "That's a beautiful name. You know, I'm going to tell you a secret nobody knows", I said smiling. "My full name is Katherine", I said. "Really?", she asked. I nodded and she smiled. "Can we take a picture, if you don't feel like it, it's fin- ", she started. "No, come here, you are so cute", I said pulling her in for a hug. Her mom took a picture of us and the girl turned to me again. "I have a present for you", she said. She took something out of her pocket and gave it to me. While I was unpacking it she said, "there are two bracelets. One is for you and the other one for Jaden, because you are best friends." I smiled at her. "Awh, thank you. Jaden would love it", I said hugging her.

•And then both black

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•And then both black. And Kate has one with a 'J' on it and Jaden with a 'K' on it•

I stood up and gave the mother a hug too. "She is such a big fan of you, she talks about you all the time", she said. "She is a beautiful girl", I said smiling at her. "I'm really sorry about what happened to you the past weeks. You are a really nice en genuine person", she said. "Thank you", I said. "You know, can I get your number and then Katherine can come by the house and meet the guys", I said. "Really? She would love to, I think", she said looking at her daughter. She nodded her head frantically and we laughed. She gave her number to me and we said our goodbyes. Seeing them walking away so happy together made me sad. Why can't I have that with my own mother? I shook it off and called an Uber.

After driving for thirty minutes I arrived at the house. I was nervous for some reason. Even tho these guys are like family, I was still nervous. I could hear them yelling from the backyard. They are probably filming. I unlocked the door and snuck in. No one noticed so I walked upstairs and went to my room. I put everything down and went to Jaden's room. He wasn't there so I went to the balcony. I opened the doors and stood there for a good two minute. "Did you guys miss me?", I yelled looking down on them. All their heads shot up and they started to run inside and up the stairs. They all stood there at the door smirking at me. Then I noticed the were all wet from swimming. "No, please don't", I said backing up. They run up to me and we had a group hug. They let go of me and I look at my clothes. Completely soaked. Amazing. They all started to laugh, and I joined them. "I missed you", I said smiling. "We missed you too", Anthony said. "We are going out for dinner tonight, we leave in two hours!", Bryce yelled over everyone. We all agreed, and everyone went to their rooms. "Wanna talk?", Jaden asked walking up to me. I nodded and sat on his bed. He grabbed a towel and sat next to me.

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