Chapter 42

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"Is that you?", Jaden asked looking at me. "N-no", I said already tearing up. Who would do this? "Then what is it, because it's all over the internet", he asked concerned. I couldn't say anything, it's not possible. I looked at the video that was posted and I couldn't wrap my mind around it. It couldn't be me. "Kate, what is happening in the video?", Jaden asked putting his hand on my shoulder. "I-it's what happened that night of the incident, b-but they told m-me there wasn't any evidence", I said looking down. "But Julia said she found something, right?", he asked. "Yeah, yes. But...", I started. "If you did something, you can tell me Kate", Jaden said removing his hand. I couldn't believe what he just said. Does he think I did it? "Do you think it's real?", I asked with a shaky voice. I looked away from him and was scared what he would say. He didn't respond. "Please Jaden...", I said. "I-I don't know", he said quietly. I looked up at him and my heart broke a little bit. Really... "I didn't do it Jae", I said looking at him on the verge of crying. "What happened that night?", he asked not looking at me. "I already told you that", I said. "No, what did really happened?", he asked again. Does he really not believe me? "W-what?", I asked with tears rolling down my cheek. "You've been acting weird every time I ask about it, I feel you're not telling me something", he said now looking at me. I couldn't believe he believed social media more than what I told him. I couldn't talk, I couldn't look at him. "I-I need to... I can't", I said standing up and walking downstairs. I walked right passed Jaden's parents who were asking where I was going. And I walked out of the door, without keys, without my phone. Why doesn't he believe me? What would my friends think of me now? I kept walking not knowing where I was going.

~ Jaden's POV ~
Kate just walked away, like totally. I don't know if I should believe her. Like of course I know she wouldn't do anything, but that video looked real. I walked downstairs behind her, but she ignore both my parents and me. "What's happening Jaden?", mom asked standing up. "Uhm", I said turning around, "there's a video of that night that David got shot and it looks like Kate did it in the video." "Let me see, she couldn't have done that", mom said. "She was shot herself too, right?", dad said. I just nodded and handed my phone. "That's not possible, that's not her", mom said. "How do you know?", I asked looking at her. "Jaden why would you ask that? Of course she didn't do it", mom said. "Julia is trying to frame her, she has been trying that for years now", dad said. "I don't know", I said looking down. "Well, get your head straight, because you're not making any sense", dad said. "Go look for her, it's already late", mom said pointing at the front door. Now they are mad at me too. Great!

I walked out and started to walk towards a direction. I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea. Why would I ask her that? Obviously she didn't do it! Why am I this stupid?! I was thinking of places she would go. Then I knew she would go to our spot, so I started to walk that way. Then my phone started to ring. "Hello, with Jaden", I said. "Hey, it's me, Payton. Why is Kate not picking up?", Payton asked. I could tell he was worried, and I felt guilty for her walking away. "She walked away and left her phone", I said. "What do you mean? Walked away?", he asked. "I asked her about the video. It was stupid because I made it seem I didn't believe her. And she walked out of the house without anything. I'm such an asshole, Payt", I said with my eyes watering. I was scared something would happen to her. "You can say that. I hope you are searching for her", he said. His voice sounded angry and he had every right to. "Yeah", I said quietly. "Let us know if you find her, please", he said. "Yeah of course", I said. "And by the way we all leave to come to Tennessee tomorrow. We want to be there for her", he said. "She would love that, even if she said she didn't want you guys to come", I said smiling slightly, "I'm going now." "You better find her bro", he said hanging up. Now everyone is mad at me. Kate, where are you??

~ Back to Kate's POV ~
I ended up walking to the park Jaden and I used to go to. I sat on a bench and just put my knees up to my chest and held them with my arms. I was just alone crying in the middle of the night. It was pretty dark in the park, there was only one light. Even tho I knew I didn't do anything, somewhere deep down I knew this was coming. Julia tried to frame me the first time, but they didn't found it good enough. And now she got something. I don't even know how she did it, because it's clearly fake. The day after the incident they looked for camera's but couldn't find any. This is ridiculous. After a few minutes I heard something behind me. I stood up and turned around. It was really dark, so I could see anything. I was searching for my phone, but then I realized I didn't had it. "Shit", I whispered underneath my breath. Then I heard some more ruffling from the right side. I backed up slowly. I didn't know who it would be. Maybe it's just a squirrel. What am I saying! Maybe it's a man who... I didn't even finish my thought when a figure came out of the bushed.

"Kate?", the low voice said. Then I recognized it. I let out a breath and stood still. "I'm sorry. I believe you, I don't know what have gotten into me", Jaden said walking up to me. "I would too, if I was you", I said looking down. "No it was wrong from me to ask you that", he said. "Can we please go home", I said looking up at him. "Yeah", he said walking up to me to give me a hug, but I walked away. I started to shiver, because it was cold, and I was only wearing a t-shirt and sweats. I was walking in front of Jaden. I really wanted his hoodie, but I was still upset. I hear him coming closer to me and he was now walking right next to me. "Are you cold?", he asked looking at me. I shook my head, obviously lying. "Here", he said taking of his hoodie and handing it to me. I took it and pulled it over my head quickly. I hear him chuckle and we arrived at the house.

"Thank god you're alright", Amy said hugging me as I walked in. "What happened?", she asked. "I want to tell all of you something, that I haven't told yet", I said looking at the three of them, "can we sit?" They all nodded, and we went to sit on the couch. "When they investigated the scene and everything. They found a gun in David's glove department. I didn't know he had it, but they took it as evidence. They asked me questions about it, but I didn't know anything. At that time you guys weren't around, so the police dropped me of at my house", I said. "Yeah, we are still sorry about it", John said. "It's fine", I said smiling at him. "Later that week I got called in by Casper and they had more questions. They investigated the gun and there were bullets missing and my fingerprints were on it. And I knew I didn't do touch it. Casper believed me, and asked Julia again. And it turned out that she was the one who got my fingerprints on the gun somehow", I said talking fast, "but Casper told me to not tell anyone that." "What the fuck?!", Jaden said. "Language", John said. "Julia is trying to frame me for his murder, and it's happening again", I said looking down. "We believe you Kate, it couldn't be you in that video and we will get all the help you need", Amy said grabbing my hand. I looked up at her and smiled weakly. "Just go to sleep and we'll see you tomorrow", she said. I nodded and said goodnight. I didn't say anything to Jaden, because I still felt upset with him not believing me. I walked up to my room and closed the door.

I searched for my phone and it was on the charger. I picked it up and my Instagram and twitter was blowing up. Also the guys called and texted me. I was scared they would believe the video. I look and saw that Payton texted me. I decided to call him knowing I could talk to him no matter what. He picked up almost immediately. "Hey", I said. "Can you please turn on your camera?", Payton said. I turn on my camera and he did too. "Are you okay?", he asked. I nodded and I could hear some people talk on the background. "Who are you talking to?", Bryce asked. "Oh hey Kate", he said excited. I smiled at him and then everyone appeared on the screen. "Kate, just know we believe you, that video has to be fake", Avani said putting her face in front of Payton. "Thanks Vani, it means a lot", I said smiling. "Just know we stand with you, and we love you", Bryce said. "Thanks guys, I don't know what will happen, but I love all of you", I said tearing up. "Don't say it like that, but we love you!", Addison said making a kissy face. "Can you guys promise me not to come visit here?", I asked. They all started to look at each other. Are they hiding something? "We promise", Payton said, and they all started to laugh. Weird. "Well, I'm going to bed", I said waving. "Goodnight", they all said, and we hung up. I love my friends.

Then there was a knock on my door. "Come in", I said putting my phone away. "Can we please talk?", Jaden said standing in the doorway. I nodded and he sat on the opposite side of the bed. It was awkward in some kind of way. "I didn't mean to make you feel like that. And I know you could never have done that", he said looking at me. "Jae, I'm not mad. I'm just upset", I said looking away. "I'm sorry", he said grabbing my hand. "It's fine, I would hesitate too", I said giving him a little smile. "Can we please just cuddle?", I asked. He nodded and laid next to me. I wrap my arms around his torso, and he wrapped his arms around my neck. "I love you", he said kissing the top of my head. I looked up at him and pecked his lips. I burry my head back in his chest. I smiled and fell asleep fast.

I hope all of you are safe, especially people in America right now.
Please be safe and careful. I luv you!!

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