Chapter 11

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It been two days now after the fight at the party. I didn't really leave my room because my head hurt too much. All the guys in the house have been helping me and bringing me loads of food. Today I decided to get out of bed and take a shower and look somewhat normal. I got out of bed and stood in front of my closet. "Hey, what are you doing out of bed?", Payton asked walking in with Anthony and Bryce. "I am going to take a shower and come downstairs", I said turning around. "You don't need to if you don't feel like it", Bryce said. "And if you don't want to see.... You know", Anthony said referring to Jaden. "I know, I just want to spent time with the friends that are here for me, and I'm not scared to see Jaden. I think I'll just breakdown again", I say smiling sarcastically. Tears started to form in my eyes. I just didn't want to cry today. "Hey, hey, don't cry. Jaden is not here anyways and other than that we are going to show him what he is missing", Payton said taking me in for a hug. "Guys I don't want you to fight with him too. He is your friend too," I say pulling away and wiping my tears. "Well, I am not talking to him until he found his head again", Anthony said. I smiled at them and grabbed a cropped sweater and some white sweatpants. "I'm just gonna shower and clean my wounds. I'll come down when I'm done", I said to them. "Okay we'll be downstairs", Bryce said. They walked out of my room and closed the door. Let's take this shower.

When I was done and dressed I walked downstairs with my hair in a messy bun. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water. All of the sudden someone wraps his arms around my waist. I turn around and saw Tayler. "Hiii", I say hugging him from the front now. He pulled away and cupped my face softly making sure not to hurt me. "Jesus Kate, you look...", he said looking sad. "Busted, I know. I will be fine", I said hugging him. I missed him, he is like a big brother to me. "That's gonna leave a gnarly scar", he whispered. "Yep I know", I said pulling away. "Well then you will look like a bad bitch", he said chuckling. I smiled at him and we walked into the living room. "Hey guys", I say seeing all the boys playing games. They all greeted me, and I went to sit in between Payton and Avani. "Since when were you here?", I asked Avani while hugging her. "Oh, just now", she said smiling. "Perfect timing, because in need Vani hugs", I said sticking out my bottom lip. "Come here", she said opening her arms. We just cuddled and watched as the boys were playing games and filming TikTok's.

It slowly became nighttime and we were going out to get food. "Everyone get ready, we're leaving in ten", Griffin yelled thru out the house. I walked up to my room and just put on some mom jeans and an oversized t-shirt. I brushed out my hair and walked back down. Tonight I'm just going to have a good time with my friends and get my mind off all this stuff. "Everyone ready?", Bryce asked. Everyone nodded. We started to walk to the door. I was the first person, so I opened the door. I wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone. Jaden. Great. "Kate, how are you?", he asked. I looked up at him and said, "Jaden, don't talk to me. I can't do this." I moved past him and walked up to the car. Tears started to stream down my face. "Guys, just let me talk to her", I hear Jaden say. "No, you've done enough. Just leave her alone", Anthony said pushing Jaden inside the house. Not forgetting to mention that Mads was there too. "Come on Jaden, she is not worth it", Mads said. That made me furious. I just want to shout at her and pull all her hair out. She is influencing him, and I, well everyone is losing him. I turned around to say something to her. I walked back to the front door, but to be pulled back by Payton and Tayler. "Kate, just let her talk, she is just talking shit", Payton said trying to calm me down. "Kate, come on. Get in the car. This is not you", Tayler said. I got myself out of their grip and walked back to the car. She is lucky they are here. We all got in the car and I was in the car with Bryce driving, Addison next to him and I sat in the middle with Tayler and Payton on each of my sides. I tried to keep it in and just let it get past me, but I couldn't. I started to bald my eyes out again. "Come here", Payton said. "I hate him, Payt. I hate him", I say in between sobs. "That's not thru, but I know what you mean", he said to me. I pulled away and looked to the front again. "She is so manipulative, why can't he see that! He is losing all his friends because of her. That he pushes me away, that's fine. But not you guys!", I said getting angry by every word. "Kate, he will notice sooner or later. And will see that he made a mistake", Addison said turning around in her seat and grabbing my hand. I nodded and looked down at our hands. "I just don't want to... I can't lose him too", I said crying again. "You won't, just give it time, okay", Tayler said taking me in a side hug. I nodded into his chest and calmed down. We arrived at the restaurant and sit down.

I sat next to Anthony and Addison on the other side. Anthony give me a side hug and smiled at me. I smiled back and looked down. "What can I get for you guys", the waiter asked. Everyone ordered drinks and their food. "Kate, what do you want?", Bryce asked. I didn't answer. I am lost. Lost in my thoughts. I just wanted to be in my room and cry, all night. "Kate?", Anthony said tapping my shoulder. "Yeah... what did you say?", I say looking up confused. "Do you want anything?", Bryce asked again. "Uhm... yeah... can I have a coke and some fries?", I asked looking at the waiter. "Of course, I'll be back in a few with your drinks", she smiled at me and walked away. Payton sat across from me and grabbed my hand. He moved over the table and said, "If you don't want to be here we can leave, okay?" I nodded and stood up. "I need to go to the restroom, sorry", I said walking away. I practically ran to the restroom and locked the door. I slid down the wall and sat there. I wasn't crying I just needed a moment. Why can't I just enjoy my time with my friends? Why is Jaden acting like this? I really HATE Mads. I just don't know how to feel. I feel numb. I feel.... comatosed. There was a knock on the door, and it startled me. "Kate, the food is here. Are you okay?" I hear Avani say. "Just come out", Addison said. I unlocked the door and smiled at them. "Thank you", I say. "For what?", Addison asked confused. "For being my friend, I love both of you", I say smiling weakly. "Don't say it like that. It sounds like you're gonna leave us", Avani said taking both me and Addison into a hug. "I would never", I say. "Come on, our food is getting cold. And I'm starving!", Addison said letting go. "When are you not", Avani and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and started to laugh. "Hey!", Addison said. She opened the door and we walked back to the table. We ate our food and we talked about different things. I actually had a great time. I forgot about all the stuff that happened and just enjoyed my friends.

We were done and Bryce payed. We left and got back to the house. When we came back we decided to have a movie night. It was already late but that didn't matter. We got all the pillows and blankets downstairs in front of the big tv we had. We had a lot of snacks and just snuggled up to each other. I laid in between Payton and Anthony. We just started a movie and watched. My eyelids became heavy and before I know it I fell asleep on Payton chest. I'm lucky I have this group of people. I love them. I just hope everything will turn out good between me and Jaden. I can't call his mom about this. She will fly to LA and set me and Jaden in one room and make us talk it out. I also don't want her to get a bad impression about Mads. All of the sudden I feel my body be lifted. I open my eyes and I see Payton taking me upstairs. We come in my room and he laid me down. "Goodnight, Kate", Payton said kissing my forehead and pulling the covers over me. "Thanks Payt", I whispered. "For what?", he asked sitting beside me. "I don't know, for being here", I said still whispering. "I will always be here. I won't leave, you know that", he said. I smiled at him. "I just want everything to be as it was", I said sitting up. "Everything happens for a reason, Kate", he said. "I know, but Jaden and I never had a fight this bad, Payt", I say. "You guys always work it out. You are too good of friends to just cut it off. Especially after this. And I know he hurt you, .....bad. But he needs to realize that he made a mistake and not you. And as long as he doesn't see that he is not worth getting angry or upset over", he said looking really serious. "I'll try. Mads just makes everything ten times worse", I said, "I feel like she only hates me. When she talks to you or to the other boys she acts normal. Even to the other girls." "I don't know why she does that, because you're the nicest person I know. Just let her be and try to ignore her", Payton said. I nodded and hugged him. "Goodnight Payt", I whispered. "Goodnight, cutie", he said back and stood up. He left the room and closed the door behind him. I smiled to myself and fell asleep.

It's a bit of a short chapter but a hope you guys like it.
How has your day been or what are you going to do?
Thanks for reading so far! Luvvv you <3

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