Chapter 54

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"Well...", Kate started. She played with the end of her hair as she was getting nervous. "You can tell me, babe", Jaden said grabbing one of her hands. "I know, so... I wrote that book", Kate said fast and looking down. She didn't know how far Jaden had read yet, but she didn't know if she should be happy or scared for his reaction. "You kidding?", Jaden asked looking at his wife who still had no eye contact. She shook her head and finally looked up at her husband. "Why did you never tell me?", Jaden asked having a little smile. "I don't know... I guess it was my way of expressing my feelings back then", Kate said shrugging. "It's truly amazing! Is everything in it true?", Jaden asked. "Thank you and yes", she said smiling, "at what chapter are you?" "I've read everything", Jaden said looking down. "Is it true you knew I had sex with you that one time that I just did it for... your body?", he asked talking really quietly. "Yeah...", Kate said. "How?", Jaden asked still not having eye contact. "I know how you were back home when you got cheated on. And after I asked you if you used something you expression changed... and Anthony told me the next day", Kate said. Jaden just stayed silent not knowing what to say, because he still felt guilty about that. "But I know you, and I know it's not like that anymore. Well I hope", Kate said giving an awkward chuckle. "No totally not, I love you for you and not only for your body. I love you Kate", Jaden said looking up at her. "I know, I love you Jae", Kate said kissing his cheek.

"How come you never wrote further?", Jaden asked wrapping his arms around Kate's body. "I kind of forgot about it", Kate said mumbling in Jaden's chest, "I wanted to finish it, but didn't know how to." "And nobody found out it was actually you?", Jaden asked. "No, surprisingly no. That's probably because I kept most of my life private, or the way I felt", Kate said looking up at Jaden. "Yeah probably, I have a question", Jaden said smirking at her. "What is it, goofball?", Kate asked chuckling at his goofy smile. "Is sex with me that good?", he asked raising his eyebrows. "Yeah, it WAS", Kate said with a serious face. "Was?", Jaden asked chuckling. "Yeah", Kate said sitting up, "because it's definitely better now." Jaden smiled and sat up too. Kate put one leg on each side and sat on Jaden's lap. They started to kiss, it was slow and full of passion. Jaden puts his hand under Kate's shirt and moved them up and down her waist. Kate wrapped her arm around Jaden's neck and pulled him closer. He then starts to kiss her neck and soft moans filled the room. "Can you stay quiet? Don't want the kids to hear us", Jaden asked taking his lips of the area where a red spot already started to form. Kate nodded and they continued. You can all guess what...

The next morning the parents woke up and got decent. The villa was filled with this smell of pancakes, waffles and other delicious things. They walk out at the same time and look at each other. "Who is making breakfast?", Payton asked yawning. "I hope it's not the kids", Avani said looking at Anthony. "Where are Nessa and Josh?", Bryce asked. "Oh my god, please tell me it's them", Addison said smiling. They all smiled and walked down the stairs. As they walked up to the giant kitchen the villa had they hear music play and two people talking. "Good morning", Josh said stopping the conversation he was having with Nessa. "Hi guys", Jaden said holding Kate's hand. "We decided to make breakfast for everyone", Nessa said grabbing some glasses. "When did this happen?", Kate asked looking at the two of them. "We talked for a bit last night and figured out we both still have strong feelings toward each other", Josh said, "but we're taking things slow." Kate nodded and smiled at her two friends who seemed happier.

"Oeehh who made breakfast?", Star asked walking up to her parents. "We did!", Josh and Nessa said on the same time. Star went up to hug Nessa. "I missed you girl", Nessa said hugging her back. "Me too, can you sing later?", Star asked. "Yes, but first go wake up those sleepy heads so we can eat", Nessa said smiling. "On it!", Star said running up the stairs. Kate walked up to Nessa and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry for pushing you two", Kate said. "It's fine, and Josh and I are better now, so actually thank you", Nessa said smiling. Kate gave her a smile and the rest of the kids came downstairs. They all went to set the table and sat down. "Dig in", Josh said smiling. Everyone was eating and just enjoying their time together with their family. When they were done they cleaned the table, and everyone got ready. It was their second day, so they decided to just chill today. They kids made some TikToks and the adults were just talking and spending time.

~ Kate's POV ~
Hi babes!

I can say I'm the luckiest person on this planet. I have a husband who I not only love unconditionally, but who is also my best friend. Jaden always made me feel loved and yes we have our ups and downs. But we always make it thru together. We have two beautiful kids, who are my world. I hope I can give them the best childhood they can get. I want them to fulfill their biggest dreams and make everything possible, because my dad made sure I got that.
My friends are my family and I'm so glad we are still as close as we were, if not closer. This vacation is gonna be amazing and I can't wait for all the stuff we are going to do. I've started writing this book when I was 18 years old. I'm now 38. I loved writing it at the time and if I look back I had a bumpy road. But without all the things that happened I wouldn't be the person I am today, and I'm thankful for that. I love all of you so much and live your dreams don't only dream them. You can achieve everything you want, and you are capable of it!

Much love,
Kate Loyal



Okay guys that was it...

I loved writing this book so much. And I'm definitely gonna keep writing!
I want to thank all of you who read it and the people who are reading it! Thank you so much for all the nice and funny comments, I truly LOVE them. I hope you liked the book and I according to the comments you've lost a lot of tears!

I hope all of you are safe and healthy. I love all of you and see you in the next book! <33333

 I love all of you and see you in the next book! <33333

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