Chapter 2

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Today was the day. We are flying to LA to our house. I wake up to the sound of my alarm on my phone. I must have put it on last night, because I can't really remember. After I turned my alarm off, I see that Jaden is still asleep. He was sleeping so peacefully, but I had to pull a prank on him. I got out of his grip and went to my bathroom. I took en glass of ice-cold water and pored it all over his head. He woke up immediately. "What the hell, Kate!", he said dragging the 'a' in my name. I just stood there and laugh. I see the expression in his face change and it kind of scared me. "I'm getting you back, sooooo bad", he said with a grin on his face. I knew that look and Jaden pranking me back was such a bad idea. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please be nice, I won't do it again", I begged him while walking backwards. Jaden got out of my bed and starts to make his way over to me. "Kate, we both know that you're lying, and that's why you're getting this." He starts to walk faster and picks me up. He walks back to my bed and throws me on it. With his legs he holds my legs down and with one hand he holds my hands above my head. "Jae, please don't!" I scream, probably waking the whole house up, oops. He waits a second and then says," TICKLE-ATTACK!!". He starts tickling me like crazy and he knows how ticklish I am. "Jae, p-l-ea-se, sss-ttoooppp, I can't breathe", I scream. He keeps going with a big smile on his face. After a few seconds his mom walks in and Jaden stops. "I'm going to miss you two goofballs so much", she said looking at us. Jaden didn't notice that his grip loosens. So I got out of his grip and ran to his mom and stand behind her. "Mom, you distracted me. Now she doesn't get her payback", Jaden pouted. His mom laughs," I made breakfast, so the two of you come down and eat, you need to leave in 2 hours", she said. I stick my tongue out to Jaden and ran downstairs. Few seconds later Jaden came down too.

We ate our breakfast and went back upstairs to get ready for our flight. After I showered, I just put on some grey sweatpants and a blue crop top, and some light make-up. Jaden was wearing some black sweats and a white hoodie. I walked over to his room and asked if I can have one of his hoodies to put over my shirt. He shook his head smiling at me and threw me a red one. I gave him a smile and walked back to my room.

I was done with everything, so I decided to text Johnny.

Good morning babe <3
My flight is at 11 am, I should be at the house around 4 pm
Just let me know if you're coming
Love you


Are you still mad?

Read 8:46


Read 8:48

You are so childish.

Read 8:51

Aaghhh. This boy gets on my nerves. I just don't have time for this. I will see him when I get at the house.

It was now time to go to the airport. Jaden and I both put our suitcases in the car and went back inside. His parent has to go to work so we are driving ourselves. Jaden went to hug his dad and then his mom. I could see he was sad and so was I, these people have always been there for me. I HATE saying goodbye. I went to hug his dad and after that Jaden and his dad went outside. I went to go hug his mom already having tears in my eyes. We hug for a long time before she broke the silence. "Your dad would be so proud of you, Kate. Just remember that, okay", she said. We pulled away and I nod at her. I miss him so much, I would to anything to just see him for one last time.

So just a little backstory. Yes, my dad is not here anymore. He passed away when I was 14, during a motor cross race. My dad was a motor crosser for almost his whole life. He loved it and even when I came around, he kept going. He even taught me riding one. I can say that I had the best father in the world. The accident happened at his last race. He fell after a jump en then two other motor crossers ran over him. He was brought to the hospital and went straight to the operating room were they did everything they could. When he came back the doctor told me that there was too much damage and that his body was giving up. They told me to say goodbye to him. It was one of the hardest things, and I miss him a lot.

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