Chapter 3

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Our first week in the new house was amazing. I have completely settled in and made my room feel like my room at Jaden's house. We had a housewarming party with a few friends and Bryce hired a DJ for the music. It was amazing. I saw all my friend again since a long time ago. Currently I'm on facetime with Payton, and Anthony came and join. Sadly, he couldn't come to our party, but he said he is coming to visit soon!

The last week I haven't really spoken to Jaden. Normally we talk every day or just hang around. But he has been busy with his music and every time I want to talk to him Mads is there. I don't want to get in any argument with her, because she obviously HATES me.

"Payt, when are you coming to LA?" I asked. "I don't know Kate. I'm planning on coming next month. I just came back home and don't wanna leave my mom again", he said looking upset. The last time he was in LA for about 2 months. He told me that he really missed home and that's why he left. He just got home for 3 weeks so I get it. "I get that, as long as you come visit. I miss you!", I pouted at him. "Me too!", Anthony said. "Aww, guys. I miss you too", he said back. "Well, I'm going to bed. Love you, talk soon?", I said. "Yes for sure, love you too. Bye Ant!", he said. We both said goodbye and we hung up.

Just when I hung up, I got a text. "Can we talk?", it said. I frowned at my phone. "Hey, you alright?", Anthony asked. "Yeah, Johnny just texted me", I answered. "Oh", he said in a sassy tone. I can say that that the boys at the house, and actually all my friends don't really like Johnny. I don't really get why but they just let me be. "I'm going to Avani's, you wanna come?", Anthony asked. "Uhm, no. Thanks tho. I'm gonna call Johnny", I said looking at him. "Okay, let me know if I can do anything", he said. "Do what?", I asked laughing. "Let me think.... Beat him up, for example", he said being serious. "Ant", I said looking him right in the eye, "there is no need for that". "Just saying", he said shrugging. He hugged me and left my room.

I texted Johnny back.

Can we talk?


Yeah, is something wrong?

Idk, just come over

Babe, what wrong?
You're scaring me

Just come over, okay.
We need to talk...

Uhm, okay...
Be there in 20

Read 22:56

I start to stress. Did something happen? Why does he want to talk? Did I do something? I was shaking at this point. I put my phone down and grabbed a hoodie and some leggings. I went downstairs and started to put my shoes on. "Where are you going? It's almost 11 pm", Jaden asked. "Uhm... just gonna grab something to eat. I haven't eaten all day", I lied to him. I didn't want him to ask me to many questions. I knew he would if I said I was going to Johnny. "Okay, grab me something too. Don't stay out too late", he said, looking at me suspicious. I can lie, but just not to Jaden. He always knows when I'm lying. "Will do, bye", I said leaving the house. I took Jaden's car and start driving to Johnny's. Every minute I got more and more nervous. I didn't know what to think. I tried to calm myself down before I get a panic attack.

After 15 minutes I arrived. I got out of the car and started making my way to the front door. I've never walked so slow, let me tell you that. Ones I reached the front door I stopped and hesitated to press the doorbell. I eventually did, after standing there for 2 minutes... Johnny opened the door. "Hi", I said softly. He didn't say anything and just let me in. I turned around and looked at him. He wasn't wearing a shirt and I looked at his neck. He had dark spots all over his neck and chest. You guessed it right, hickeys... I know for sure I didn't give them to him. We never went that far. We didn't had sex or whatsoever. I choose to ignore them for now. We walked to his room. When we entered, there was a familiar face sitting on his bed. She had his hoodie on. You may ask who? Well, meet Brook, Brooke Valentine, yes Valentine. She was my former best friend before I found out she was using me for getting to Jaden. I dropped her and she was NOT amused.

"What is she doing here?", I asked starting to get angry now. "Is that Jaden's hoodie?", Johnny asked. I looked down and noticed that it was. "Does that matter? Answer my question Johnny", I said. "Well, look...", he started, soon being cut off by Brooke. "He has been cheating on you for a month now with me, obvi", she said, full of confidence and a smirk on her face. I couldn't believe it. How could he do this to me. "Is this true...? Johnny??", I asked, starting to get tears in my eyes. "Yes, I don't regret any of it", he said looking at me. "You never wanted to have sex with me, and she is way prettier than you", he said, now laughing. I looked at him and couldn't even recognize him. "We're done", is the only thing I manage to get out of my mouth. I didn't want to cry in front of them. I left the room and practically run out of the house. I ran to the car and drove off.

I didn't know where I was going. As long if it was as far away from them. After a bit I stopped the car on the side of the road and started to cry my eyes out. I started to question myself.... again. Was he right, am I not pretty enough? Is it my fault? Why does nobody wanna stay with me? Everybody leaves... I sat there for a good 20 minutes. My phone was blowing up. I just didn't bother to look or answer anyone. After half an hour I took my phone and saw:

Where are you?
Where did you go?
Answer me if you can

2 missed calls from JaeBae

1 missed call from Big bro

Big bro
Where you at?
Jaden is worried

2 missed calls from Joshy

I dropped my phone. How am I going to come home after this? If they see me they for sure wanna know what's wrong. I can't tell them. They are going to kill him, even tho I want to do that right now. I don't text or call them back and just drive home.

After 20 minutes I arrive. I try to look normal and not that I just cry my eyes out. Well, it was impossible. I looked like a homeless person who just got 10 years older within minutes. The tears wouldn't stop coming. Eventually I gave up and just walked in. I didn't hear anyone, so I just made my way upstairs. When I was in the middle of the stairs, I hear Bryce yelling, "Kate, come back downstairs!". I sighed and walked back, with my head down looking at my hands. "Why weren't you answering your phone? And where is the food?", he asked. I looked up and locked eyes with Jaden. He immediately knew what was going on, and I saw his face expression change. "What happened Kate?", he asked. I just fell to the ground on my knees and started to break down. They run over to me. "What's wrong? Kate?!", Josh yelled at me. I couldn't talk. I was broken, again. " on me", I manage to get out in between sobs. "He what?!", Jaden said. I looked up at him. I cannot describe how angry he looked. It reminded me of the first time I got cheated on by my ex-boyfriend. "He's dead!", he screamed, getting up and started to walk to the door. "Please Jaden, don't! He's not worth it!", I yell at him, while getting up. "Are you kidding me Kate! He is not worth your tears!", he yelled turning around, balding his fist. "I know, I know... I just want to forget about this okay...", I said looking down, tears beginning to flood. He walked over to me hugging me. I started to cry softly in his chest. "Why does this happen every time, Jae?", I asked looking up at him. He didn't say anything. "I just want it to stop", I say. He pulled me close and whispered in my ear, "I love you".

After telling them what happened. I went to my room and tried to go to sleep. I couldn't. I just stopped with crying and it started again. I don't wanna feel like this anymore. Broken.

Some extra info
Phone contacts:
Jaden as JaeBae
Bryce as Big bro
Josh as Joshy
Anthony as Antman
Payton as Paybae
Johnny as Babe (not anymore, obviously)
Avani as clown girl

Also... this is Brooke Valentine played by Haily Orona

 this is Brooke Valentine played by Haily Orona

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