Chapter 18

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We all woke up and got dressed to leave for our flight back to LA. Everyone was flying back, and we would meet at the airport. Jaden and I woke up and we haven't really talked. We just smiled at each other and had some small talk, but nothing big. It was kind of awkward. We were ready and pulled our suitcases into the living room. Avani walked up to me and nudged my shoulder. "So??", she asked. I shook my head and we walked out of the penthouse. We got into the cars and we arrived at the airport. We met up with everyone and went to grab breakfast since it was 6 am. We went to Starbucks because we all wanted coffee. I sat in between Payton and Tayler. "Why are you and Jaden so awkward right now?", Payton asked bending down so only I could hear. I smiled at Jaden who was already looking at me. "Is it that obvious?", I asked blushing. "Yes, you just smile at each other like you just did", Payton said chuckling. "Yes, it's weird", Tayler said joining in laughing. I looked down embarrassed and chuckled. "Okay, I'm gonna tell you but please be quiet and don't freak out, or judge me", I said looking at the both of them seriously. "We would never", Payton said smiling. Tayler nodded. "So, .... Jaden and I almost kissed last night", I say whispering. They both looked at me and then looked at each other. After ten seconds they start to laugh hysterically, causing the whole table to look at us. "Shhhh", I said turning bright red and put my head in my hands. "What's so funny?", Bryce asked on the other side of the table. "N-nothing", I say stuttering and laughing. Everyone went back to their conversations and Payton and Tayler calmed down. "You're serious?", Payton asked still laughing. I nodded and took a sip from my coffee. "Well, I already saw that coming", Tayler said smirking. I slapped his arm laughing. "Just please keep it to yourself", I said looking serious. Payton pretended to lock his mouth shut and gave me the imaginary key in my hand. I smiled at his goofy actions. I turned to look at Tayler. "Yeah, that", he said chuckling. I nodded and we continued our breakfast.

When we were done we needed to leave for security. Daniel, Elena and Maya were there too. "Guys, you can go. I'll catch up with you", I said to the group. They said their goodbyes to them and walked to security. I turned around to face them already having tears in my eyes. I hate saying goodbye, but I already told you that. "Come here", Elena said opening her arms. I walked up to her and hugged her tight. "I'm gonna miss you so much", I said lightly sobbing. "Me too, you're going to do great in LA", she said pulling away. She hold me by my shoulders and looked at me. "You're beautiful, don't let anyone tell you you're not", she said whipping the tear off my cheek. I nodded and smiled weakly. "You're a role model for her", she said looking at Maya, who stood next to Daniel. "I'll try to be a good example", I said. She nodded and let me go. I kneeled down to be the same height as Maya. "Hey girlie", I said. She looked up from her hands and was crying. "Oh please don't cry", I said taking her in for a hug crying even more myself. I pulled away and took her hands. "Hey, remember that you can do anything you dream of. My dream came true this week because off these amazing people", I say looking up at Daniel and Elena. "And when you are a little older you can and come visit me, okay?", I said. She nodded and asked me, "when are you coming back here?" I looked down at our hands not knowing what to say. I can't promise her anything. Last time I was gone for three years. "Sooner than you'll think", I said trying to smile at her. She nodded and hugged me one last time. I stood up and then the hardest part came. Daniel. I just walked up to him and started to bald my eyes out while hugging. "Thank you so much for this week. A-and every t-thing", I say sobbing. "Your dad would be so proud of you", he said. We stayed like that for a while. "You're the strongest person I know, and you'll get thru anything God will put you thru", he said. We pulled apart. "I'll come back soon, I promise", I said smiling. "You don't have a choice", he said smiling. "And please come to LA soon, I want you guys to see it sometime", I said. He nodded and looked behind me. He pulled me close and whispered, "keep that one. He cares a lot about you." I turned my head and saw Jaden standing there waiting for me. I smiled at him and turned around. "How do you know?", I asked. "I used to look at Elena like that, and look where we are now", he said smiling at Elena and Maya. I smiled and nodded. Daniel and I hugged one last time and I walked towards Jaden. I didn't want to look back and see them sad. Jaden put his arm around my shoulder and side hugged me. He didn't say anything, but I knew what he was thinking. We got thru security and we joined the group. Our plain boarded and we sat down. I sat by the window and Jaden was next to me. The rest of the group was in different seats on the plain. "Hey, you'll see them soon", Jaden said grabbing my hand. I looked up at him and sighed. "I know, I j-just... I left for three years the last time", I say starting to tear up again. "Come here", he said. He pulled me close and let me cry on his shoulder. He rubbed my back up and down calming me down. We pulled away and he put his hand on my cheeks. He pulled my face back and kissed me on my forehead. "You know you always do that", he said smiling. "What?", I said smiling at him. "You never look back when you leave someone", he said. I smiled at him. "I just can't see them- ", I started. "Being hurt and sad?", he said finishing my sentence. He knows me to well. I nodded and smiled. "I know", he said smiling back. "I want to sleep", I say yawning. "Can you be my pillow?", I asked with puppy eyes. He nodded and opened his arms. I leaned against him and closed my eyes after putting my AirPods in. "Goodnight, butterfly", he said kissing the top of my head. I smiled and fell asleep.

After a few hours Jaden woke me up and we got off the plain. The group grabbed their luggage and we went home. We arrived at home and I immediately took a shower. I changed in some Nike shorts and a hoodie. I walked down and saw everyone making TikTok's or on their phones. I say Jaden on the couch and went to sit next to him. "Hey", I said sitting down. He looked up and said hi back. "You want to go live?", he asked. "Sure", I said. I moved closer to him to be in the frame and he started the live.

~Live on Instagram~

"Hey guys!", Jaden said when a lot of people joined. The comment section flood and most of them were how good he looked and shipping us. "Okay, so I'm with Kate. If you have questions just ask them and we'll try to answer them", he said putting me in the frame. I waved and smiled at all the nice comments. Of course a few were not really nice, but I just ignored them. "Okay, first question. How was New York?", he said reading the question. He looked at me waiting for me to answer. "Honestly, it was amazing. We had a lot of fun and met a lot of people", I said. "Yeah, it was great", he said smiling. "Next question", he said. I looked at the question and was doubting to read it out loud, before I could say anything Jaden did. "Are you and Mads still together", he said. "No we're not, we broke up a week ago", he said going to the next question. I looked at him and I could still see he was hurt by it. "This one's for you", Jaden said nudging my shoulder. "Uhmm, okay. Where are you guys from?", I said reading the question. "Well, I was born in Alvarado, Texas and Jaden in Chattanooga, Tennessee. But we both grew up in Tennessee", I said. "Are you dating?", he said reading the question. We both shook our heads and continued the live. We stayed on it for an hour and talked about different things.

~Live ended~

After the live my phone started to blow up. What is going on? I opened my phone and saw the notifications: you're a slut; you stole Jaden from her; you deserve anything bad that comes to you; you're an ugly bitch; you probably sleep with every guy you meet; Kate Loyal is cancelled; you killed him; it's all your fault;. The last two kept repeating in my head. What was this about? I opened Instagram and say a video from Mads which was titled: Exposing Kate Loyal. I stood up without saying anything and walked up to my room. I didn't close my door and sat on my bed. I clicked on the video and turned the volume up. What is she talking about? The video started.

Hey guys, Mads here. Some of you already knew, but Jaden and I broke up a week ago. This was because Kate stole him from me. She is not the person everyone thinks she is, here is the whole truth about Kate Loyal. She...

I couldn't believe what she was saying. This can't be happening. Nobody knows this about me, only Jaden. Did he...?

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