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it was silent between the two for a few days.

namjoon sat in the same row, behind yoongi.

yoongi was asleep on the desk while, the taller payed attention to what the teacher's doing.

he kept looking at the smaller because he was confused.
why isn't the teacher doing anything about him?
he's sleeping during class!

yoongi suddenly lifted his arms up and looked like he tried to hide himself.

namjoon noticed, curling his brows.

the smaller's hands tightened up on his hair.

"yoongi-ah." he slowly lift up his hand and touched the male's shoulder.

he just squirmed in his seat.


yoongi immediately grabbed namjoon's wrist.

the taller widen his eyes.

yoongi looked afraid, his eyes widen, plain out fear.

"yoon... you were having a nightmare." namjoon whispered.


"are you okay?"

yoongi took deep breaths and let go of his wrist.

namjoon looked at his wrist and saw slightly red marks.

he was scared.
someone with that type of grip, the type of nightmare was probably intense.

"are you okay?"

he didn't reply.

namjoon just sighed and sat back in his seat.

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