147 (⚠️)

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⚠️mention of a uncomfortable word⚠️

jimin fluttered his eyes open.

he moved around a bit to stretch but he was kind of squished in his spot.

he realized that his hands aren't tied anymore, ankles aren't either.

he's free.

jimin turned around, seeing jeongguk peacefully sleeping right beside him.

jimin carefully slipped jeongguk's arms off of him, trying his best to get off of the bed without the boy waking up.

he got up and quickly went to the door.

but jimin stopped.

he didn't get to turn the doorknob

he looked back at jeongguk.

jimin slowly walked up to one of the drawers in the room, opening up one of them.

he reached into the drawer and picked up a photo from a polaroid, confused at the photo.

a little boy.

a full grown man.

is that his father, maybe?

he doesn't know because the male's face is ex'ed out.

jimin flips over the polaroid.

words fill the whole back.

september 1st, 2004; my birthday

you ruined my life.
you were my biological father and that was your gift for my birthday?
i've been hurting since you've done that to me and i'm crazy for killing because of you.
you raped me.
i was only seven years old.
you touched me all over and i didn't like it.
you didn't stop when i begged for you to stop.

i'm glad you're dead.
i'm glad i killed you at the age of fourteen.
that was my proudest moment in my life.
your wife never found out.
i'm so happy.

but the thing is:
you're the reason why i'm continuing.

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