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"what's going on, namjoon-hyung?"

"i want to tell yoongi about what happened..in the past."

"what? are you sure? hyung.." jimin got up from the desk chair. "do you think that's a good idea?"

"but..he's my boyfriend—"

"only your appa and i know about it." the younger sighed. "look, i know he's your boyfriend but..are you really sure? is he that trustworthy?"

"he trusts me." namjoon knitted his brows.

"but that doesn't mean that you trust him with the same percentage as his." jimin crossed his arms. "i know i'm not the boss of you, i just help you like a therapist. it's your choice to tell him, not mine."

"i know." namjoon sat down on the edge of his own bed, sighing. "i'm going to risk it. i trust yoonie a lot. and i mean a lot."

jimin softly smiled.

he said yoonie instead of yoongi.

"fine." he moved his hands to his hips. "he knows me and why i'm your e.s. so, it's a hint at least."

"so.." namjoon fluttered his eyes. "are you, going to help me explain it to him?"



"he's your boyfriend." jimin smiled. "he needs to hear it from you."

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