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"you told him?"

namjoon nodded, pacing back and forth in his room.

jimin sighs, walking up to him to place his hands down on his shoulders to make him stop.

"calm down, okay? it's been two days since you told him."

"i don't want him to tell hoseok. what if he does? what if he just spills—"

"so you're saying that you don't trust your own boyfriend?" jimin crossed his arms.

namjoon shut himself up.

jimin scoffed. "don't freak out so much, hyung. you gave him your trust. it'll be okay."

"you're right."

"he trusts you, doesn't he? he told you his problems, didn't he?"

namjoon nodded.

"breathe, hyung. no need to be freaking out."

"okay, okay." he sighed. "i'm sorry."

"yah, don't apologize!" he slapped his shoulder. "you're too nice."

namjoon chuckled.

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