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"ch-chairman kim." seokjin quickly bowed.

"what were you doing?"

"i..i was trying to look for something."

hoseok put his ear up to the door, trying to listen to what they're saying.

"i need you to right down a list."

"yes chairman kim." seokjin walked over to his coffee table and grabbed his pen and clipboard.

"my son's marriage will be taken place in daegu."

hoseok widen his eyes.

seokjin wrote it down.

"the theme of the wedding will be pink, which is the bride's choice."

seokjin wrote it down.

"i need you to buy some pink flowers with my black card, all kind." he pulled out his wallet, taking out his card to give it to the male.

seokjin bowed and politely grabbed the card.

"i'll need a pink tie and pins too."

seokjin wrote it down.

"is..is that all?"

"for now." the chairman walked over to the door. "i will need to see you in my office in a few minutes."

"yes, chairman kim." seokjin bowed as the chairman left.

seokjin put the clipboard and pen down and walked over to his closet, unlocking and opening it.

"namjoon's getting married?" was the first thing hoseok said.

"it's just an arranged marriage. don't worry." seokjin showed the black card. "this card is the key to get him out of it."

"of what?"

seokjin smiled. "to get namjoon out of this horrible place with yoongi."

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