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yoongi couldn't stop thinking about it.

somehow, he appeared at the library, staring at the colorful books without even touching them.

he kept thinking about that night, namjoon easily intertwining their hands together, no problem.

he just couldn't stop thinking about it.


yoongi turned around. "hm?"

"you're literally staring at books, you okay?"

"oh..yeah. i'm okay."

"then let's go eat~" hoseok softly grabbed the older's wrist and pulled him.

"i heard you spent the weekend at namjoon's."

yoongi choked on his drink, starting to cough.

hoseok looked over a raised a brow. "i guess it's true. you choked when i asked."

"you're so obvious." he rolled his eyes. "i-i only stayed because of my appa."

"did you tell him why?"


hoseok put his drink down, turning his head. "you told him why? like..why you've been getting cuts and bruises?"

yoongi nodded. "i got in my feelings..when it was storming and he let me cling onto him..."

"you guys cuddled?"

he nodded again, messing with his straw.

"bet he likes you too." hoseok mumbled.

"no. no. he just helped me."

"mmmhm." he rolled his eyes. "you just can't see it."

"oh yeah, i can." yoongi glared. "he just comfort me."

"comfort with love~" the younger cooed, poking his cheek.

"aish, don't touch my face!"

i need to bREATHE-

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