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jimin's arm got better.

bad thing is; he's still trapped.

jeongguk brought him to his house.

since his arm healed, he was able to squirm around and try his best to fight back.

but he always failed.

"you're becoming a prisoner since you can't stay fucking still." jeongguk muttered, finished tying the rope on the bed frame.

"wh-why can't you l-let me go...?" jimin begged, squirming around.

"i told you a million times..i need namjoon to kill his father with me. i need him as my partner and you're the guy that can explain and convince him."

"prisoning me w-won't help."

"for now, it will." jeongguk crawled on top of the boy that's attached to the bed, smirking. "but you're my boyfriend, right?"

jimin just stared at him.

jeongguk grabs the male's jaw, bending down to make his necklace hang.

"i want to kiss you so badly..but i don't want you to bite my tongue or anything."

"untie me and i won't."

jeongguk scoffed. "i rather keep you tied down when i kiss you."

"fuck you."

"when you want to."

jeongguk just cups the side of his face, pressing his lips down on his.

jimin slightly squirmed...

feeling slightly relaxed...

then jimin kissed back.

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