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"hyung don't—you're going to get arrested!"

"i don't care! it's been almost two months!"

"yoongi, stop!"

yoongi started to bang down on the gates.

"chairman kim! i—"

"shh, d-don't yell."

yoongi fluttered his eyes.

hoseok walked up to his hyung, knitting his brows at the recognizable voice, both looking at the speaker.


"yes. it's seokjin just..don't yell and, st-stay quiet. who else is with you?"

"it's just hoseok and i."

"okay. m-my boss is occupied with namjoon. come in."

seokjin pressed the button to open the gates, gulping hard.

when the gates opened a bit wider, hoseok grabbed his hyung's wrist and started to run into the place.


when they got into the house, seokjin quickly closed the doors, locking the gates back up.

"i'm sorry this happened, yoongi. i-i..."

"seokjin..what happened to..you.." hoseok curled his brows, lifting his hand up.

"i'm okay. don't worry about it." seokjin moved his hand away.

"your cheek..it's bruised and..your lip—"

"yoongi." the eldest interrupted. "you came here for namjoon, not to worry about me."

"are you sure?"

seokjin looked at hoseok, having a soft smile. "i'm sure."

hoseok felt soft, feeling a blush across his face.

he mentally slapped himself.
i have a boyfriend.
i have a boyfriend.
i have a boyfriend.

seokjin grabbed both of the male's wrists. "you guys have to hide. it isn't the right time to help namjoon yet."

"i understand." yoongi spoke. "thank you seokjin."

seokjin smiled. "call me jin-hyung."

random question:
why do some people shake when they make out? i see it all the time in tv shows 🤔

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