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yoongi put the hoodie on, drowning in it for how big it actually is.

namjoon was cleaning up his room a bit, getting everything situated before he goes to the living room and sleeps in the guest bedroom.

"alright. i'll be sleeping in the guest—"


"hm?" namjoon curled his brows.

"stay." yoongi slightly whispered, voice cracking a bit.

the boy fluttered his eyes a bunch.
he wants him to stay?

namjoon walked over to him, sitting on the edge of the bed where yoongi is laying down.

yoongi bit his bottom lip.

"no..on the bed. y-you can sleep beside me."

"oh. are..are you sure?"


"okay uh..okay, yeah." he cleared his throat. "i'll just..crawl over you to get to the other side..."

yoongi couldn't help to think how adorable and awkward the younger is being.
he thought his awkwardness is cute.

namjoon carefully crawled over the older, getting himself in the covers and hope he doesn't touch yoongi's leg..nor thigh.

he wanted to sleep peacefully but he's afraid to hurt yoongi if he moves too much.

yoongi wouldn't mind..hopefully.

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