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yoongi came over to namjoon's house.

they seemed a little awkward at the moment, just awkwardly sitting there on the edge of the bed.

the older bit his bottom lip. "so..um..."

namjoon couldn't help to scoff. "it's weird, i know."

"are we..together?" yoongi slowly looked up at the boy.

namjoon looked up at him too. "do..do you want to be my boyfriend?"

the older couldn't help to curl up a smile, lifting his hand up to his mouth. "boyfriend sounds weird."

"then..be the guy that's in the relationship?" he bit his bottom lip.

"okay, that sounds worse." yoongi chuckled.

"alright." he chuckled too. "then..let's get comfortable with each other."

"wh-what do you mean by that?"

"like, cuddling and holding hands, you know, those kind of stuff that couples do."


"okay." namjoon pushed himself up on his feet, walking over to the older, showing his hands. "let's start out the relationship then."

yoongi accepting his hands to get up on his feet too. "what does that mean?"

the younger intertwined their hands together, swinging their arms. "kissing, cuddling..already holding hands so..kissing?"

yoongi rolled his eyes with a smile. "okay."

namjoon cupped the older's face, softly pressing his lips down on his.

yoongi only moved his hands to the boy's chest, slowly sliding up to his shoulders.

"you know.." namjoon chuckled. "you're quite amazing."

"i'm the opposite of amazing, how about, dumbfounding?"

"it still means you're amazing."

"damn. i though it meant that i'm dumb." he frowned.

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