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namjoon fluttered his eyes and turned around, seeing hoseok jogging up to him.

"again, it's namjoon. you really don't have to say that."

"sorry." he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "i'm just..making sure—anyways, i didn't know you go here!"

"i transferred months ago." he chuckled.

"i've noticed." hoseok smiled. "i've also noticed that you've been stressed. are you alright?"

"uh..yeah. i've been stressed i guess."

"well, since we're friends now, you can tell me anything!"

namjoon scoffed. "okay, uh..i met someone before i got here. they were..crying in the rain and..i lend my mask and jacket to him—i-i mean—"

he fucked that up.

"yoongi min."

"what?" he widen his eyes.

"yoongi min is the guy you're talking about, isn't it?"

how can he guess that easily!?

"i-i uh..."

hoseok scoffed. "i've been through it too when i met him."

"you..you used to be friends with him?"

"yeah." he frowned. "he just shut me out and..i can't get him back because he keeps pushing me away."

"oh..that's what he did to me."

"it'll be hard to be friends with him."

"i can tell." he sighed.

"how's that stitch of yours?"

"ah..my appa wasn't so happy about it."

"where did that small scar come from? under your eye?"

"um..yoongi accidentally cut me."

"cut you?" he curled his brows. "with what?"

he won't backstab yoongi.

"his sharp nail." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"that's weird. it gave you a good cut..."

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