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"mr.kim, your father wants to see you."

namjoon gulped hard.

yoongi looked up from his phone, curling his brows.

namjoon looked up at the older and looked back down, closing his book.


"it's fine." he got up from his bed. "i'm used to it."

"namjoon." he got up from the bed too, walking over to the younger.

"it's fine, hyung."

"i know but.." yoongi placed his hands on the younger's shoulders. "i'm worried, about you."

the boy softly smiled, lifting his hand up to the side of the older's face. "i'll be okay. my appa can be a real pain but it's okay."

the older bit is lip. "i just want you to know that i care..too."

namjoon raised a brow.

"i mean..i care about you like..you do to me."

then the younger curled up a smile. "i'm glad you care." he boop his nose. "now, i have to go."

"wait." he grabbed his wrist. "i have something else."

"what is it?"


fuck, trying to confess when he's literally about to talk to his own dad?

what are you doing yoongi?

"i..good luck."

namjoon softly smiled, poking his cheek. "thanks, shortie."

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