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"i don't want yoongi to walk home but i didn't even bring a car..." hoseok sadly sighed.

"well, who dropped you off?" jimin asked.

"my boyfriend."

"ah. understood."

"so..why are you namjoon's emotional support?"

"he didn't tell you?" jimin crossed his arms, raising a brow.

"tell me what?" hoseok knitted his brows.

jimin's eyes went wide. "um- i- uh..." he looked around for the subject to change. "uh, hey! where did namjoon-hyung and yoongi go? we should find them."

"we're back—"

"hyungie~!" jimin smiled big, walking over to namjoon, placing his hands on the taller's arms. "your father called me—i think we should go, right?"

"i didn't get a call—"

"it might be a surprise! c'mon." he grabbed namjoon's wrist and pulled him away from the other two.

yoongi knitted his brows, hoseok still awfully confused when they both watched them walk away.

"jiminie, what was that? did my appa really call you?"

"sorry. i had to lie—i just..i didn't know that hoseok didn't know about..you know."

"did he ask why you're my emotional support..did he?" he put his hands in his pockets.

jimin nodded. "sorry."

"it's okay, jiminie." namjoon softly smiled. "you didn't hurt me. that's all that matters."

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