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"namjoon, are you listening?"

namjoon softly sighed. "i hate lying to him."

"i know it's hard. but you don't want to hurt his feelings either. just try to ignore it."

"it hard to."

jeongguk frowned, looking at him when they were at a stoplight.

"i don't know why i accepted this." namjoon mumbled, looking at his own hands.

"because you have your reasons like i do."

"yeah but..killing?" namjoon scoffed. "that's not right."

"i just need you to get us in the house somehow. you're his son..just fake that you broke up with yoongi or some shit—i don't know. i need to get in there."

"what is that supposed to mean?"

"you're my key to that place. you don't have to watch or anything."

namjoon knitted his brows. "i-i don't..you're using me for a key?"

jeongguk looked at him, then back at the road. "what? is that bad?"

"using me is certainly not."

the mafia just scoffed. "c'mon, it's not like i'm your boyfriend."

namjoon just stared at him.

"i'm already here anyways. there's no point on going back."

jeongguk chuckled.

might be ending soon

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