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a couple of hours later, yoongi got up from the bed and went towards to the kitchen to get himself some coffee.

he gave him a quick peck on namjoon's cheek before he continued on with his day.

namjoon slightly squirmed around, hiding his face in the pillow.

yoongi just took a sip of his coffee, sitting down on the chair in the kitchen.

he looked through his phone, checking his twitter real quick.

NEWS: chairman kim missing

yoongi stared at the news.

"namjoon's father is missing..." he mumbled, covering his mouth.

he doesn't know the truth.

yoongi put his phone down, getting up from his chair.

he walked over to the bedroom, slightly pushing the door open to see namjoon still sleeping.

the older walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge of it.

he placed his hand on the younger's arm, softly caressing it.

he didn't know how to say it to him.

because he already knows.

namjoon squirmed around in his sleep.

yoongi just moved his hand away, getting back up on his feet.

yoongi shouldn't wake him.

it's not good news.

it's good news to jeongguk.

the older walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

yoongi just sighed.

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