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jimin yelled in pain.

"i like to see people in pain." jeongguk chuckled, pulling him up close. "mostly people that i like."


"don't worry, i'm not going killing you. that'll be too easy for me."

jeongguk grabbed the male's arm again, putting it back in its right place.

"oh. i didn't really tell you everything about me..."

jeongguk grabbed jimin's wrists and pushed him down on the couch, holding him down.

jimin was already crying.

"i kill people for a living..some of the tattoos i have is when i went to prison..your brother actually wants to work with me and.." jeongguk chuckles. "i want that little chairman's son to work for me. the eyes he has on his father, wants him dead for sure."


"listen; i loooove my job but i'll only break one simple rule and it's letting you live..for now."

jimin continued to cry even more, closing his eyes tight.

"oh..baby, don't cry.." jeongguk let go of his weak arm and placed his hand on the side of the male's face. "i'm not going to hurt you again. i'll take you to the hospital and get you the treatment..i'll even pay your hospital bill."

"w-wh-wh-why are y-you do-doing this-s.."

"you're namjoon's e.s., am i correct?"

jimin nodded in fear.

"i just want him to work for me..so him and i call kill his father and take all of his money and glory."

"p-pl-please don't h-hurt hi-him..."

"oh hon, for your sake..i won't. but you'll have to do something so they won't be suspicious..they probably already know me by now."

"wh-what is..i-it.."

"be my boyfriend."

idk why, but that was hot

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