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namjoon caressed the older's face, hovering over him.

"were you going to tell hoseok?"

yoongi knitted his brows. "why would i?"

"i don't know..i'm just scared that you'll tell someone..."

"i would never." yoongi wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him down. "namjoon, i..."

namjoon curled his brows. "what? what's wrong?"

it seems too early.

so yoongi just presses his lips down on his, lifting his hands to the boy's hair.

namjoon smirks into the smile and put his arms around the older's waist, pulling him closer.

he wants to say it, he wants to say it so badly.

but is it the right time?


namjoon suddenly disconnected their kiss, sighing.

"yoongi. let me know what's wrong."

"i-it's nothing."

"yoonie." namjoon knitted his brows. "you're scaring me. what's going—"

"i love you."

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