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namjoon's door was pushed open, opening up to reveal his father and his assistant.

the boy didn't even stand up, he just looked up from his book.

"stand up." his father command.

"why do i have to?"

"stand. up. now."

namjoon clenched his jaw and stood up.

"we're getting you to graduate early. you just have to take a big test."

"why does it have to be early?"

"when you take the big test, then i will tell you."

namjoon knitted his brows. "i don't get it. why can't i just hear it right now?"

"because it's big news. test first."

namjoon sighed while chairman kim walked out.

his assistant bowed at namjoon—

but namjoon stopped him.

"wait." namjoon whispered.

"i cannot talk to you." the assistant whispered.

"i just need you to do me a huge favor. please."

"mr.kim i—"


the assistant looked back at his boss.

"i'm sorry mr.kim. i must go."

namjoon let go of his wrist and let him walk away.

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