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jimin held a white bag from one of the stores.

he drank a simple strawberry milkshake as he walked around to find another store he likes.

nothing is really pretty that he wanted, so he kept going to store, to store.

he walked into a store that seemed extremely fancy, like gucci.

"welcome! if you need any help, you can always ask!"

jimin looked up at the male smiling softly and slightly nodding.

he walked over to the near corner, lifting his hand up to an very expensive white jacket, feeling the cloth.

"ooo, feels nice." jimin whispered to himself.

he suddenly felt quick arms go around his waist, almost being pushed down on the wall.


what the fuck—

"you can't hide in a fancy store, i used to work here, you dummy!"

the random guy knitted his brows.

"wait, you're not jackson." he let go of jimin and turned him around. "oh my god, i don't even know you. i'm sorry."

jimin just had a flushed face.

the male put up his index finger, started to dig into his pocket, unfolding it and took out—

100 dollar bill!?

"here." he smiled softly, handing him the money.

"n-no no, i'm alright." jimin refused.

"i would've crush you if you were jackson. i'm kind of rough." he nervously chuckled. "it's alright to accept it. you can take it."

jimin couldn't help to stare.

the guy had sleeve tattoos, even tats on his neck.

he seems like a sugar daddy when he waved that bill in jimin's eyes for apologizing.


jimin fluttered his eyes. "huh?" that guy was actually waving the bill in his face for his attention. "oh..sorry."

"staring eh? that's alright. what's your name anyways?"

"it's jimin park."

"park?" he widen his eyes. "like..the park?"

jimin knitted his brows. "yes...?"

"no way! i'm such a big fan of your brother!"

oh right.


jimin's famous older brother.

"well, we're friends now." the male interlocked their arms together. "i always wanted to be good friends of someone famous' sibling!"

attention whore maybe?

"what's your name?" jimin had to ask.

"it's jeongguk! you should meet my umma. she's a very sweet woman. she'll give you cake!"


i'm trying to make vmon smut at this time lol

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