31 (⚠️)

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hoseok walked into his room. "just a minute tae, my hyung came over unexpected."

"okay. i'll be waiting in the car."

hoseok softly smiled. "i'll see you in a bit."

he ended the call, closing his door behind him.

he put his phone in his pocket, looking up to see his hyung sitting on the edge of the bed.

"hyung?" hoseok curled his brows, walking up to him. "what's going on?"

he sat beside him, placing his hand on his shoulder.

"i-i'm sorry for..appearing."

"it's okay. what happened?"

yoongi bit the inside of his cheek, his foot tapping constantly on the ground.

he put his head down on hoseok's shoulder.

yoongi couldn't help to start crying.

"hyung..why are your hands red...?"

i-i'm s-s-so s-sorry."

"oh no..hyung."

then hoseok saw blood rolling down yoongi's sleeve.

"h-hyung..why did you—"

yoongi just cried more, hiding his face in the boy's shoulder.

hoseok quickly made the older take off his jacket, throwing it to the side.

he saw every cut clearly.

"y-you said you stopped!"

"i-i-i wanted to b-but..."

"hyung..i-i told you not—"

his phone started to ring.

"d-don't call th-the ambulance..pl-please." yoongi tightened the grip on his shirt.

"i wouldn't do that to you." hoseok grabbed his phone and checked it. "..it's namjoon. he's c—"

yoongi grabbed it and immediately threw it.


"h-he doesn't n-n-need to kn-know!" yoongi slightly yelled.

"y..you didn't have to throw my phone! you could of just declined!"

yoongi flinched from hoseok's outburst.

hoseok sighed, rubbing the back of his own neck.

"i'm sorry, hyung."

"i-i'll just go..h-home."

"hyung, just stay here. let nam—"

"n-no!" he yelled once more. "n-never him!"

"i don't care, hyung!"

yoongi widen his eyes.

hoseok rubbed his forehead. "i want him to take care of you too."

"p-please, hoseokie." he grabbed the boy's wrist. "he..he c-can't know..."

"there's no other way, hyung."

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