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namjoon wouldn't let go of his hyung.

his arms were wrapped around, his face having in a frown while staring at the blank tv in front of them.

yoongi just caressed his hair, letting the boy drown in sadness, playing with strands of hair.

"your hair is soft." the older mumbled.

"it's always soft." namjoon scoffed. "no one really pets my hair, only if i'm sad."

"you are sad. i can do this without you being sad."

"you mean like..anytime type of pets?" he looked up at him.

yoongi softly smiled. "yep."

"then keep petting." he put his head back down.

he chuckled. "okay, okay." he continued to pet his hair, softly smiling.

"thank you~" namjoon put his arms back around the older's waist.

yoongi couldn't help to blush at the feeling of strong arms wrapped around his waist, feeling all safe.

"why..did you hold my hand that day to make you sleep?"

yoongi stopped petting.

he bit his bottom lip. "sorry. i shouldn't have—"

"because i felt safe." he mumbled, continuing to pet the boy's hair. "it helps me relax, knowing i'm safe and that i'm not alone."

namjoon lifted his hand up to yoongi's hand, pulling it down to his.

he intertwined their fingers together, smiling softly.

"then i'll protect you."

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