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"oh my god—jimin." yoongi pulled him into a hug. "i'm glad you're okay."

jimin didn't hug back.

hoseok and seokjin appeared at their apartment door, hearing yoongi speak from outside.

yoongi waited outside from his apartment, waiting for namjoon to come back from the roof.

jimin appeared instead of namjoon.

"how did you manage to escape?"


"actually, that doesn't matter, are you alright? does your arm still hurt?"

jimin's disgusted.

seokjin covered his mouth.

hoseok got confused at why jimin isn't reacting.

"c-close the door."

hoseok closed the door, turning to the older. "what? what's wrong?"

"th-that's not jimin." seokjin whispered. "i-it's not him anymore..."

"jin-hyung, what are you saying?" hoseok curled his brows, cupping the older's face.

"h-he betrayed us, hobi." he whispered.

"all of us were so worried about you."


yoongi curled his brows.

"you worried?"

"of course i did—jimin, i'm not coldhearted, even if i look like it. what's going on with you?"

"why don't you cry to namjoon about it."

yoongi pushed him. "get the fuck away from me."

jimin curled up a smile. "you're finally trying to stand up for yourself?"

"fuck off, jimin."

"nah. i think i'll stay."

"what the hell is wrong with you?"

jimin just grabbed the older's shirt and pulled him into the apartment, closing the door behind him.

he slammed yoongi down on the wall, hurting the older's back.

"listen, you fuck. my whole life has been a lie and the only person that fucking cares is jeongguk. i don't care who you are to me anymore. you're just a stranger, a weakling."

"y-you're right. i am a weakling."

"you surely are."

"but i can still move around."

yoongi quickly lift up his knee to kick the most sensitive spot that jimin has.

when jimin let go, yoongi pushed him off and made a run for it.

yoongi didn't even make it out of the house.

he was too late, having his mouth covered and held down.

"you took him away from me."

yoongi tried to squirm out of the grip.

"he was all mine until you decided to show your weak self up in his life."

yoongi closed his eyes tight.

"don't get in his way, and you'll live."

yoongi felt like crying.

mixed feelings 😔

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