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namjoon got his car parked, slicking his hair back to look at yoongi.

"sorry if i didn't say why i wanted to go here."

"it doesn't matter." yoongi nervously gulped. "why..are we here anyways..?"

"n-no reason." namjoon got out of the car.

the older just opens the door and gets out of the car, closing the door behind him.

they both decided to walk on the side of the beach, both of them awkwardly walking together.



namjoon rubbed the back of his neck. "i keep..thinking about the day when we met."

yoongi bit his bottom lip. "i know..i overreacted when i saw you at school."

"no. that's not it."

he knitted his brows. "then..what is it?"

"i saw the side that you didn't want anyone else to see. you didn't even know me and you were scared that i'll tell anyone." namjoon scoffed. "i didn't even have friends and i didn't even know your name, or you in general."

yoongi fluttered his eyes. "you have a point.."

"it didn't really matter who i was." he mumbled. "i was just a new kid and i didn't even know anyone. i just recognized you from that day and..wanted to talk to you to know if you were alright."

"well, look where we are now."

namjoon curled up a soft smile. "right. everything seems fine now."

"uhm, yeah. i guess so."


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