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yoongi caressed hoseok's hair as he babbled to him and explained what happened and all.

"so..you kissed him or?"

"he kissed me." yoongi curled up a tiny smile. "and that's why he brought me to that beach..it was romantic and all but..we were both nervous and maybe scared to do anything."

"so..what's up with you guys now? together or not?"

"does kissing make us together?"

"well..there's a difference. getting kissed is proof that they like you or they were kissing you for a stupid reason. the other one is like..they kiss you but you kiss back, then you like each other."

"well, we did confess."

"then there you go. you guys are boyfriend and boyfriend." hoseok hummed. "i'm guessing namjoon is top."

"wh-what?" yoongi widen his eyes. "wh-what do you mean—"

the younger smirked. "you'll find out."

i don't think there's going to be smut 😔👎

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