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namjoon fluttered his eyes to the sound of birds chirping.

he knitted his brows and stretched out on the bed, yawning slightly loud.

he pushed himself up from the bed, scratching his face from the odd position of sleeping he had.

wait—why's the window open?

namjoon tilted his head.

"appa?" he slowly got up from the bed, opening his door find him, rubbing his eye. "why is my window open? i thought you locked it."

"it's a wonderful day outside."

namjoon knitted his brows. "what...?"

his father looked up from his paper work. "it is."

"i mean..i know but... never mind." he rubbed his forehead and walked to the kitchen.

his father is acting weird for some reason.

he's saying it's a nice day?
it is but..his father's never like that.


he fluttered his eyes and turned around. "oh. jiminie. i didn't know you were still here."

jimin softly smiled. "i decided to stop by and check on you."

"thanks but, i'm alright."

"yesterday you weren't." jimin crossed his arms, raising a brow.

the taller just scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "yah, shouldn't you be at work?"

"i'm on break."


bit boring

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