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"yeah?" yoongi looked at him.

"i'm starting to hate myself."

yoongi knitted his brows. "what? why do you hate yourself?"


the closet door opened, revealing seokjin.

"jin-hyung." yoongi pushed himself up from the ground, hoseok did too. "is the chairman gone?"

"he's not in namjoon's room anymore. i don't know where he went though. there's a chance that you can sneak into his room."

"what about hoseok?"

"he can stay with me. i don't want anyone getting hurt. yoongi, i'll sneak you in. tell namjoon that you have to hide under his bed. chairman kim never thinks twice of looking under the bed, not even the maids too."

"what if—"

"you're taking a risk if you go with yoongi." seokjin interrupted hoseok. "yoongi is small enough to hide quick."

"yah, don't call me small."

"you are. that's why you're going alone. hoseok will make you get caught."

"right." yoongi mumbled.

"yoongi, i'll take you his room. hoseok, you're going to stay and hide here after i'll get yoongi there."

"but..why your office?" hoseok had to ask.

"it's not the best but it'll keep you safe for now." seokjin mumbled.

"okay." he mumbled.

i'm just gonna publish when i want to (:

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