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namjoon put his arms around the older's waist.

yoongi smiled softly, lifting his hand up and turned his head. "good afternoon~"

namjoon smiled, giving him a peck on the lips. "good afternoon to you too." he kissed his neck too.

"i made eggs..but i ate them." he pointed out his plate.

namjoon chuckled, taking yoongi's coffee and gulping some down. "anything on the news?"

yoongi froze from texting hoseok.

what should he say?

"um..i haven't checked."

"i can check." he shrugged, pulling out his phone from his pocket. "how's the other two?"

"still not together." yoongi rolled his eyes.

namjoon looked up from his phone. "still no?"

the older nodded. "seokjin hasn't made a move because he doesn't want to hurt hoseok."

"is it because hoseok might be still attached to taehyung?" he curled his brows.

yoongi looked up at him. "i think so."

namjoon sighed, finding his way through the news.

NEWS: chairman kim missing

the taller bit the inside of his cheek, slowly looking up at the older, then looking away.

he cleared his throat, shutting his phone off and putting it down on the table.

"have uh..have you met with jimin?"

"no." he mumbled, putting his coffee down. "i haven't seen him since he left."

"he's been through a lot."

"i can tell..."

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