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"namjoon! why the hell are you not at school again? what's going on?" hoseok tightened his jaw.

"oh..i'm not namjoon." the guy chuckled from the other line.

"huh? who are you?" he knitted his brows.

yoongi curled his brows, the call on speaker so he heard it.

"oh, i'm jimin park! namjoon's e.s."

"e.s...? what does that mean?" yoongi whispered.

"what does e.s. mean?" hoseok asked.

"it means emotional support. sorry that he isn't at school nor picking up the call. he just needs some rest, that's all!"


"emotional support..?" yoongi was confused, continuing to whisper. "why does he have a emotional support guy?"

"shh." hoseok shushed his hyung. "um. is he doing alright?" he asked jimin.

"he's doing okay now. who are you to namjoon by the way?"

"well, i'm hoseok jung, his friend from school and yoongi min is also a friend. say hi hyung."

"hi." yoongi spoke up.

"nice to meet you guys..on the phone." he chuckled. "well, i have to go. his phone needs charged and i have to head back to work. bye bye!"

"bye~" hoseok smiled, pressing the red button.

"hyung," hoseok looked right at the older. "search up jimin park right now."

yoongi raised a brow.

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