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"all i'm getting is a website that he's on." yoongi sighed.

"then click on it~!" hoseok whined, putting his head down on the tall table.

"aish.." yoongi clicked on it. "oh. it's the emotional support website that he's on."

hoseok lifted his head up. "eh?"

"i'm on jimin's profile..he only has one patient he's helping and it's namjoon."

"what?" hoseok looked over yoongi's shoulder. "namjoon's the only one?"

"yeah. it doesn't say why he's a patient. it just shows his symptoms like..panic attack, hyperventilating..." his brows knitted. "...medication?"

"namjoon's on medication?" hoseok widen his eyes.

"i guess so.."

"oh no. is it his father's fault?" hoseok curled his brows.

"not even." yoongi gulped. "his father hired jimin."

"then he's going through something else.."

"i'm worried for him, hoseok."

hoseok suddenly curled up a smile. "and he's worried for you too."

yoongi rolled his eyes. "don't say that.."

"but he does." hoseok finally sat down, looking at him. "don't you get it? he's not even asking you questions about what's going on through your life!"

yoongi clenched his jaw. "i know."

hoseok closed the laptop. "then we don't need to know about his life if he doesn't know yours."

yoongi crossed his arms. "then searching was a waste of time."

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