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namjoon was pacing back and forth.

he had his phone up to his ear, waiting for jimin to answer.

"god, why isn't he answering!?"

"joonie, that mafia maybe smashed his phone because he probably kept trying to call the police." the older spoke.

"you're probably right but..it's going to be our fault for not helping him."

"it's not." yoongi got up from the edge of the bed and walked over to him. "don't worry."

"he knows everything like you do..what if he tells everything to that kid? i would be torn to shreds..." namjoon bit his index finger nervously.

"joonie." yoongi grabbed his wrist and moved the younger's hand away from his mouth. "jimin has never been in a situation like this. what if he gots it under control?"

"then he'll be killed."

"he's a smart guy, joonie. he'll be able to figure something out."

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