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the thunder kept getting annoying.

yoongi kept flinching, every time a lightning struct and the thunder started to roar.

he hated it.
he couldn't even sleep.

yoongi's phone started to buzz, making him look at it.

hoseok's calling.
of course he answered.

"can't sleep either, eh?"

"no." yoongi sighed. "the storm is getting annoying."

"are you at home?"


"wh—you aren't? where are you!?"

"i was returning what namjoon gave me but it started to storm so..i had to stay. his father is quite an ass."

"the chairman?"

"mhm." yoongi curled his brows. "i..i'm actually relieved that i'm here."

"how come?"

"i'm not at home..this guest room is better than mine... i rather be here than my own home."

"it seems safer where you are. the chairman's house because of namjoon? unbelievable."

"aha." yoongi scoffed. "it is unbelievable."

"i'm jealous."

"don't be. i'm only here for today because of the storm. by the way..i just told namjoon that him and i are friends, since i'm staying."

"becoming friends already? yay!"

yoongi rolled his eyes. "yeah, yeah."

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