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"you guys all good now?" hoseok said.

"yeah." namjoon said. "he just can't accept my sorry's yet."

yoongi ignored their chit chat while he cuddled his boyfriend's side.

the younger caressed yoongi's arm as he talked to hoseok.

"where's jin-hyung?"

"he's in his room. i think contacting his friend from my old house."

"any contact from taehyung?"

"... no."

namjoon frowned. "don't worry. he understands why you moved away. you were in danger."

"i know." hoseok bit his bottom lip.

"don't you have jin-hyung now?" yoongi spoke up.

"wh-what?" he widen his eyes.

"i mean," namjoon scoffs. "you guys cuddled in the car..you sleep on the same bed—"

"okay! okay, i-i get what you guys are saying." he rubbed the back of his neck with a tint blush across his face.

yoongi chuckled.

seokjin suddenly bursted into the room, making all three of them face him.


"jin-hyung?" hoseok curled his brows. "what's going on?"

"yeah, bursting in isn't norm—"

"j-jimin's in the hospital!"

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