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yoongi lifted his head up from his phone, seeing namjoon standing there with a soft smile.


"it's free time, do you want to walk around?"



"i'm not like you, namjoon." he turned off his phone. "all i do here is just sleep and sometimes do my work."

"give a bit of a change."

namjoon softly punched the older's arm.

yoongi hissed and held onto it, clenching his jaw.

"oh..sorry. you okay?"

"i-it's nothing."

he got up from his desk, sliding his phone in his pocket and walked out of the classroom.

namjoon watched, knitting his brows.

he just sighed and decided to follow him, hoping the boy won't get pissy with him again.

yoongi took off his jacket, slowly lifting up his sleeve as he quietly hissed.

purple and blue bruises across his arm, making him bite his bottom lip.


he wanted to text hoseok but the boy is probably busy doing something in one of his classes.

where namjoon softly punched at, it turns out yoongi was already punched there.

namjoon doesn't know that.

but what yoongi doesn't know, is that he's being watch by the chairman's son.

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