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"and done!" seokjin smiled. "we both have a lot of money in our cards."

he got up from the chair, exiting everything out so the chairman won't notice anything, pushing his chair in the desk.

"thank you." hoseok looked up at him. "a lot."

"i deserve to thank you instead." seokjin put his credit card back in his wallet. "for helping me. we would of left with a blank card without your help."

"right." hoseok rubbed the back of his neck. "we should check on yoongi."

"wait." seokjin softly grabbed the boy's wrist, stopping him.

"what? what's wrong?"

"nothing. it's just..um..."

seokjin nervously and carefully put his arms around hoseok from the shoulders.

hoseok fluttered his eyes, slowly hugging back.

"thank you..for one last time."

hoseok softly smiled. "and thank you for counting on me."

namjoon doesn't know why but he went on his knees, hands shaking badly.

yoongi got on his knees, cupping the boy's face.

"we can go. i-it's okay now." the older caressed his face.

the chairman just watched.

he was disgusted at first but..then..he felt something.

yoongi hugged his boyfriend, making him put his head down on the older's shoulder.

"i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." yoongi caressed his back. "i'm really sorry..."

namjoon slowly put his arms around the older's waist, tearing up as he pulled him in closer.



namjoon fluttered his eyes and looked up from the older's shoulder. "what?"

"goddamnit, go." the chairman repeated, crossing his arms.

"you're..letting me go?"

yoongi looked up too, knitting his brows.

"go before i change my mind."

namjoon slowly got up from the floor, grabbing the older's hands to lift him up from the floor.

"let's go." namjoon mumbled, walking out of the room.

namjoon quickly grabbed the gun from the floor so his father won't have it in hand.

he held on yoongi's hand as they walked over to try to find the other two.

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