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"you idiot!" yoongi slapped hoseok's arm.

"ow! hyung!" hoseok whimpered, quickly rubbing his arm.

"yah. remember what you said? they have to be comfortable and trustworthy to let them know the truth! you almost broke jimin!"

"aish! i just wanted to know~"

"you can't get the answer by trying to break the emotional support guy. you have to hear it from joonie himself. do you understand?"


yoongi widen his eyes. "huh?"

"you just said..joonie."

"n-no i didn't." yoongi looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.

he knew that he had a blush across his face.

"your face is red." hoseok widen his eyes.

"it's not!" he looked at him, crossing his arms.

"yes. yes it is." he curled up a smile.

"i-i'm not blushing!"

"you just confessed that it's a blush instead of your face being naturally red. plus, you said joonie instead of namjoon. another thing, you're stuttering. also, you pulled him to the side when i was talking to jimin."

yoongi's screwed, gulping.

"does my hyung have a crush..?"

"sh-shut up!"

"awwwwwww!!!!" he cooed, putting his arms around his hyung. "my hyungie has a crushie~! so cute!"

"get off!" he whined. "it doesn't mean anything!"

uwu finally

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