87 (⚠️)

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⚠️slight TW⚠️

now you're thinking...

what did namjoon say or do?

well...........you're going to hate me for sure

namjoon smiled extremely big. "r-really?"

yoongi nodded, his smile growing.

namjoon cupped the older's face. "i—"

the door suddenly bursted open, making namjoon looked up at the door.

two people walked in, which one of them is hoseok.

"appa?" namjoon widen his eyes, quickly getting himself off of yoongi.

yoongi sat up from the bed.

"sorry. he just bursted in when i told him that you're here." hoseok spoke.

"nam joon kim!" his father yelled. "what the hell are you doing?"

"appa, wait, let me explain—"

his father grabbed his wrist, pulling his son out of the room.

yoongi immediately got up from the bed to run after him but hoseok stopped him.

"it's family. you can't stop it." hoseok said to him.

"i-i don't fucking care!"

yoongi ripped his arm away and jogged over to the male's who's going towards a black van that's fancy.

"chairman kim—"

"stay away from my son!"

"appa, let him ta—"


yoongi covered his mouth.

hoseok's eyes were widen.

namjoon's lip was bleeding, rolling down his chin.

"for now on, you're never allowed to see those two ever again."

namjoon didn't reply, not looking at him.

"get in the damn car."

the assistant softly grabbed namjoon's arm to put him in the back of the seat.

"press charges on that boy who molested my son."

"yes, chairman kim." his assistant bowed.

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